Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Radio

There is no doubt that wherever you are, on the move, other than your mp3s that are upLoaded onto whatever media device you are using, Listening to a radio station is the onLy other aLternative you wiLL turn to for some entertainment for the ears.

I haven got many chances to tune in to the radio because of the army, but on rare weekday mornings Like this, I do.

On CLass 95, you have the FLying Dutchman and GLen Ong on the Morning Express and damn are they good entertainers.

There is this particuLar story (as toLd by GLen Ong), about a woman who got hit by a private pLane which crashed into her house in America. A reporter then went to interview the woman who is recovering from the inuries sustained. The reporter asked her how she feLt. And this woman said "It feLt Like I got hit by a pLane."

It was aLso astonishing to hear from this program that due to the stringent checks at the Causeway between Johor and Singapore, there are reportedLy more peopLe getting caught for smuggLing iLLegaL stuff Like imported cigarettes and even Chihuahua! The man who smuggLed the Chihuahua got fined a whopping SGD10000 for watever's sake.

So you see, I mean hear, the many interesting things these two men over the radio can entertain you with?

Why I am somehow seLLing the radio station is because of a separate incident that happened to me. With my music pLayer on, I was waLking somewhere aLong Bukit Timah Road and then came the nature's caLL (BIG one). I thought the caLL couLd be "postponed" tiL about an hour Later but was not to be. In the next few minutes it became an emergency. Furthermore it was drizzLing and I couLd not run or it wiLL make the whoLe thing much worst. So I waLked on, Listened to this radio station and it reLaxed my body to prevent the worst from happening. Then, in a distance I saw a petroL station. Taking my stride I waLked on and went to finish the unfinished business.

Thanks to CLass 95, they saved my ass.

doing big.

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