Respect vs. Ego
Sometimes it is very easy to Let our own ego overcome our conscious seLf, or rather character. This thing caLLed "ego" is extremeLy dangerous when not managed properLy. It can be Like a voLcano, once erupt, the damage wiLL be done and many things may never be the same again.
To me it is not a big probLem. Of course I have my own moments of madness when I become enraged with things I beLieve is not right, but when the storm is over, I have my own AAR (after-action review) and then correct what shouLd be done.
For different peopLe, aLL things can be seen in more dimensions than one. In many cases, there is no right or wrong answer. Those are based on personaL perception. But sometimes, we need to Listen to the opinions of different peopLe to gauge whether our own perception is of enough factuaL accuracy to exist.
Then we come back to Letting Loose our own ego to accept something different, but it can be difficuLt depending on how egoistic one is.
I guess, after observing cLoseLy the behavior of many peopLe, I can concLude that ego and respect have an adverse reLationship.
The main reason for my post is in hope that more peopLe can be aware that ego has to be contained and respect goes a Long way to buiLding up good reLationships with aLL LeveLs of peopLe.
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