ChanneL BBC
A random pick on one of the SingteL's Mio Tv channeLs brought me to BBC KnowLedge on a typicaL weekday evening. The broadcast was titLed "The Sun".
As I watched on, the program captured my attention so much that emotions struck me when they reveaLed how the sun works and that in time to come, it wiLL burn out and bring the end to the soLar system and totaL darkness to the universe.
However, it wiLL not be in our time. By then, Man may have aLready concLuded their own story since the beginning of time.
FoLLowing that was another documentary - "Human 2.0". It toLd of the generation of human beings of tomorrow, in a worLd where technoLogy wouLd have taken over aLmost every LittLe aspect of each individuaL's Life.
At present, the thought of the future is nothing short of bLeak, unLike the simpLe days of the Last century Less the unfortunate WorLd Wars.
Somehow, no doubt every being on earth can stiLL do their part for the generation of tomorrow, technoLogy is by far advancing way too fast to handLe.
With such a pace in Life, are you stiLL abLe to feeL?
Given the short time we have on earth, maybe we shouLd rethink the reason for our very existence, or eLse it wiLL be nothing but a waste.
PLease, take time to visit the Link as foLLows:
The Great Warming
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