There was this mug I used for many years since secondary schooL. UnfortunateLy it broke some time Last year. Since then, I have had three other mugs - big, smaLL and with artistic deco, but aLL of which did not Last through three months.
I stiLL miss my oLd mug. And thats why they say, things are gone so that one can appreciate how vaLuabLe these things truLy are.
This festive period proves to be pretty enjoyabLe with the traditionaL reunions of different cLiques of friends and famiLies. Just Last weekend, I had met up with three totaLLy different groups of friends, and man, other than spiLLing the cash on good food, the gatherings are just good.
TaLking about Oscars, I caught the movie nominated for Best Picture in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Draggy as it seems, it is one that faLLs right into my tastebuds with its Light humour and phiLosophicaL approach. As for the storyLine, other that toggLing between the present and past, this show is straightforward as it is.
Watch it, if you dun mind Lengthy shows. This is pure science-fiction at its reaListic best.
And. somehow on Okto channeL, they are broadcasting Oscar winning movies Like the one that just ended as I am writing. The show is about this girL, Sophie SchoLL, who's part of a resistence movement against HitLer's cause for the war. She was eventuaLLy executed at the age of 22, but not in vain.
The White Rose resistence movement with reaL person Sophie SchoLL in the middle. Copyright belongs to Dr George Wittenstein
No, I am not that knowLedgabLe, but I Love history as much as I Love footbaLL.
The Oscar fever is here, but where's my beLoved mug?
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