Singing in the RainThursdays are aLways good, for me particuLarLy.
Of course it has to be - being my off day. In addition, my constituency footbaLL training and games are on as weLL.
Today was a good day as the pLayers came back after a 9-month exodus since exiting the Last tournament in May 2008. There were new faces too, as I dragged my good friends Cong and ZR aLong for a "seLection match" where they sure have performed decentLy weLL.
Right after the match came the rain.
I Love the rain. It offers opportunities to approach a day in a different manner. For us who have juz finished a match with muddy boots, the three of us went into the open and washed our boots by the cute LittLe drain where the rushing water was pretty cLear. It has been years since I threw myseLf inside the rain, other than some footbaLL matches where it came unexpectedLy. PeopLe may tink its a bit crazy for a 24 year oLd to "pLay" in the rain, but I dun care Less. I am enjoying.
Somehow if kampongs stiLL exist, this experience wouLd sure be more common.
Sometimes, we tend to forget the LittLe stuff we aLL did during chiLdhood, and that is why most peopLe are oLd not physicaLLy, but in their heart.
Embrace the rain, if you can, when you can.