Tuesday, October 31, 2006

To commemorate this day, it did not take me Long to decide which was the scariest picture out of those I have searched ..

Anyway Happy HaLLoween's!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A rare free weekday to catch the show @ The Cathay ..


Ends pLacing a question wide open .. wouLd you give up ur own Life to save another when situation occurs?

No one wouLd.

Not unLess you are the coast guard or fireman. ProfessionaLism we caLL it, but it takes more than just that to make these a profession.

I caLL it sacrifice for pure humanity.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Great Eastern Woman's 10km Run

My Sunday's pLans were shifted to accomodate for Mummy Khing's emergency caLL-up to work at the adidas roadshow, which means no swim or Man Utd vs. LiverpooL in the evening in exchange for a LittLe over fifty bucks. Venue @ MiLLenia WaLk. Event - the coLLection of race packs for the participants of the run.

However, the roadshow experience was one to remember. Met the Legends of adidas PPs with Miko, EtheL and Sharin, aLL of whom were ex-adidas coLLeagues there for the two-day event. Now, there's not even a need to arrange for catching-up sessions aLready!

ALso knew some Great Eastern peeps there to introduce their products, thus aLLowing myseLf to know that industry much better for it couLd be my future job. But again, probabLy wouLd be a matter-of-surviving job for a guy Like me when you see that these women are born with good Looks and a sweet Lip. They fetch at Least $2k, depending on performance, and their quaLifications are not the Least reLated to the industry! Margaret, 22, major in Accountancy .. AsiLa, 25, major in I.T .. Jasmine, 23, major in Engineering .. and they are aLL getting $2k++ for a job which they never had to study for.

ALright, Letz just face it .. sex seLLs. FemaLe financiaL advisers are basicaLLy attracting market of aLL sizes. Women feeL more comfortabLe to communicate with women themseLves on their needs, and men, needLess to say ..

But it wouLd be a great chaLLenge shouLd I take the route of this industry. StiLL, going back to retaiLing with adidas is very much in my mind.

Last but not Least, sporty women are so god damn attractive ..

Sunday, October 22, 2006

As I opened the door to my home .. surprise was that my Dad was right there on the sofa, on a Saturday morning. I had just served my regimentaL duty at Tekong isLand over the night ..

And so I asked him .. "ehh Dad, you never work today ah?"

He said .. "ehh, you do duty untiL dunnoe what day is today ah?"

Then I reaLised .. itz DeepavaLi. If you transLate to Mandarin, its 你爸骂你 a.k.a Your Dad scoLd you.

.. so ironic. Anyway Happy DeepavaLi to aLL indians out there nameLy PritpaL, Prit and PaL.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Missing Paris ..

A short stay of two weeks in Europe back in May, it was untiL recentLy that I reaLise I was there .. aLright EiffeL, I missed you. The next time, I assure to come with the right person and save you from giving the Loner comfort every singLe day back then. Between now and then tiL we meet again, stay in one piece ..

Friday, October 13, 2006


"Do we really really need frens in our lives?
But the problem is do we need them?
Seriously we came by on this earth alone and left behind everything alone as well.
After the end of the journey, we too; never keep them by our side.
As such, will my conclusion be right?
Or was I swayed yet again by the confusion?"

*copyright extract from a sweet but rude Lady's bLog*

The miLLion doLLar question has a priceLess answer ..

We NEED frenz.

You know you are reduced to nothing without them. You know you cant do without them ..

They are the spices of your Life .. bitter sweet, hot and coLd, they make up who you are and wiLL be.

ALright I onLy have an answer but to see beyond the answer, you gotta Look at frenz with the answer and probabLy you wiLL agree with me.

Or maybe the debate's gonna be on soon between you and me. I am prepared ..

True frenz wiLL not give u their wings but teach you how to fLy .. they wiLL not give you attention but watch over you from far .. they may not be abLe to give you much advice but Lend you a ear which may be spoiLt from proLonged hearing of whining!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

WorLd of the Unknown

First, the decision of my overseas posting .. *drum roLLs*

.. I am seLected (subjected to medicaL) ....

Lright nothing surprising. In anyway, I appreciate that some of the cLosest peopLe to me, objected. To name a few, Mom, Guo Ann, Jaz .. Yes I wouLd be missed right? ALways knew it ..

But, Like I aLways say, to Live, you gotta Live Life to itz fuLLest, or eLse what can you teLL ur chiLdren what you have done or seen and experienced? Or your grandchiLdren when they come into your Life one day? No man .. I want them to see me as a coLourfuL Dad or Grandad, juz Like how I see mine ..

Grandpa's been bedridden for two years now I think ..

When I was LittLe about four or five, he was an enthusiastic and joviaL man, a cook and a short-stint as a coffeeshop owner in Hougang Avenue 8. Those days, every morning, we wouLd go down for a bowL of porridge and hot MiLo (iced one was disaLLowed due to my chiLdhood asthma) downstairs. Ask anyone in the neighbourhood, and they wouLd teLL u about this Loudspeaker who cant seem to keep his voLume down. When I went to Primary SchooL, he retired permanentLy .. and every day he wouLd bring me to schooL. As Mom was working, I had resided at Grandpa's pLace for most of my primary schooL days. You couLd say I was the Luckiest grandson those days .. everyday having great food for Lunch and dinner, those Hainanese-styLe soup which you wiLL never get to taste outside. I did not understand what warmth my grandparents gave me as a notorious young boy. Took everything for granted and untiL when Grandma was gone in secondary schooL things changed. Grandpa became quieter by the days, months and years.

Maybe that was why I Lost my academic exceLLence after that. I was top five for five years and scored 231 in PSLE. Secondary schooL onwards was a disaster .. poor grades Led me to arts stream in secondary three and then I sLept for two years before fLunking my O's scoring a 28 pointer and earning a year back in schooL. ALthough I finaLLy got into PoLytechnic the foLLowing year in Business, resuLts were either scraped through, or red in coLour. Thus, took four years for an average piece of DipLoma with fucked up grades.

WeLL that was aLmost two decades in aLL. Last weekend I visited my Aunt's for dinner. Grandpa was in bed. Greeted him, toLd him,

"Gong, I am Ah Long .. Ah Long ah .."

Staring at me, I gave up hope thinking he couLd recognise the current me in G.I Joe hairstyLe .. but then he mumbLed,

"I know .."

Geez, my Grandpa's stiLL strong!

.. Jaz been reminding me of him and urging me to forgo the overseas attachment. I had second thoughts for once, but not anymore.

StiLL, I Love him and respect him in my heart aLL the time, for without this man, I probabLy wouLd not have been abLe to see the worLd, the unknown.

I have to go ..

8th December ; that wouLd be the day ..

Friday, October 06, 2006

When Im Gone

Come December, the guy that has brought you fun, Laughter, anger, sorrow or any form of Life entertainment, wiLL no Longer be avaiLabLe for your service.

Not for the next one year ..

It wouLd be good in a personaL perception, for Leaving this isLand wouLd give me ampLe space and fresh air.

SadLy, Im gonna Leave behind everything, and by the time one year's up, everything's gonna change. It wouLd be better, I think ..

Too earLy to ponder the unecessary. Monday is judgement day .. whether or not they post me to Taiwan, fingers crossed.

Juz Let me go La .. haha.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Summer has come and past .. The innocent can never Last ..

Today is so much a wonderfuL day to be - ChiLdren's Day .. SheiLey's burfday .. and some day to remember ..

As the TotaL Defence beLL rung at noon sharp (as it did on the first of every month), a tinge of freshness overcame me. So soothing, I wished it couLd Last an eternity.

Great things to foLLow maybe? HopefuLLy so. ShaLL keep my fingers crossed.

P.S : Happy burfday to you, dear 学妹 .. 终于度过了teenage 的日子了!