Friday, November 20, 2009

The Innocent AccompLice

It was a quiet day in the Community CLub with few patrons due to the bad weather. The rain made the afternoon reaLLy peacefuL, which is pretty rare nowadays with the introduction of a new membership card that sent the masses rushing to sign up .. just for a free bag that comes with it.

As I was sitting at the counter doing other work, two young girLs in uniform entered. They Looked to be in their earLy teens.

"Excuse me, is there any teLephone nearby?" asked one of them.

I repLied, "The nearest one wiLL be at the coffeeshop few bLocks away."

Being the usuaL 'nice' me, in addition that the girLs are so cute, LovabLe and poLite, I offered them my office phone to use as she wanted to caLL her mother.

She caLLed, and I continued with my work.

"HeLLo Mummy ah ... its raining heavy now and I am at Hougang MaLL. I am not abLe to come home yet ..."

I turned to Look at them with my puzzLed and frowning face.

After a whiLe, she hung up and excLaimed happiLy .. "Yes! It (the Lie) worked. Let's go and pLay."

They ran out of the counter without a word of thanks. I sat there pretty baffLed.

Now, I know that kids are no Longer as simpLe and demure as they seem to be despite their uniforms.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I FeeL ..

Of Late, I am just feeLing so freaking emotionLess. There is a Lack of motivation for aLmost everything.

Maybe I shouLd visit a psychiatrist or something.

Somehow in the midst of being so LifeLess, I think of a phrase where it is just what's on my mind now.

"BeLieving in nothing, for there's nothing worth beLieving."

.. Christmas is so near, yet the mood of it ain anywhere cLose.