Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Socks

On this Saturday, a good one, I stroLLed around Northpoint, together with the PFC peeps (primary schooLmates). We had juz finished the game of, weLL, what eLse - footbaLL.

We went into RoyaL Sporting House. Then, I thought of buying a pair of footbaLL socks. You know, those sexy ones that Looked Like woman stockings. And so, I stood at the socks compartment and using my more-than-a-decade-year-oLd experience in choosing soccer accessories, I picked this pair of Nike socks over my aLL-time brand, adidas.

Upon reaching home, I sat on my sofa and Laid the pair of socks on the coffee tabLe. I tore open the pLastic. I feLt the materiaL and was emphatic at my Latest acquisition because by touching, it had proven firstLy, that the socks are strong and secondLy, they have good eLasticity. At that moment, I am confident that my foresight is reaLLy good and I beLieve that I am a consumer with great tastes.

The coffee tabLe in my house has a wide range of generaL stuff ; tissue paper, pens, scissors, Lots of Letters and biLLs, coins etc.

Next thing in my mind was to remove the LittLe thing that attached both socks together, Like aLL other socks where every pair is bound by this LittLe thing. So confident was I that I can remove the LittLe thing by spLitting the two socks apart, I did it.

Yes, the LittLe thing came off, bringing strands of materiaL with it. It shouLdnt be no big deaL, I thought. And so I peeLed the materiaL. As I peeLed the materiaL, a LittLe hoLe appeared. I haLted, my confidence in that pair of socks on the sLow decLine inside of me. I peeLed again. The hoLe grew. ALright, it was then I picked up the bLoody scissors and cut off the materiaL.

I Looked at my Latest purchase, stoned. There Laid my purchase of good foresight and great taste, ending up with a hoLe in the body without even wearing it before! If onLy I used the scissors to cut off that LittLe thing in the first pLace.

Sometimes, we shouLd just be Less compLacent about certain things. No doubt some things are good, but the good has weak points too.

Damn my foLLy.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Saturday afternoon .. the Irish in Singapore.

Saturday evening @ MOS.

My Birks of aLmost two years now, since May 2006.

Friday evening @ Gateway Towers.

Yet another awesome view at the paper-Like designed skyscraper.
48 Hours

Weekends are wonderfuL. But what is considered fuLLy enjoying and utiLising them?

PersonaLLy I have had fuLL utiLisation of my own, doing sports, sports and ... erh .. sports. This week is no different, but its by far the onLy one time I got drained of energy so much so that I can doze off in seconds just by cLosing my eyes.

The Saturday was spent with two soccer matches, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. The morning match was with the peeps of my primary schooL. The noon one, was with a team coached by an ex-nationaL team pLayer who used to pLay aLongside Fandi Ahmad and David Lee during the MaLaysia Cup days in the 90s. His name is ZuLkifi .. now in his forties. I am reaLLy gLad and honoured to have the chance to train and Learn things from this man, a Legend. More pLeasing is getting nice words from a few peopLe there as itz not easy to be the onLy Chinese around.

At night I went on to M.O.S for Samantha's birthday bash. But this night was pretty cooL, met a few new peopLe who are decentLy friendLy and happy. ALso bumped into the notorious Phua Chu Kang Pte Ltd star Marcus Ng of whom was recentLy in the papers for the wrong reasons. This dude was my pLatoon mate during BMT and itz amazing he can stiLL recognise me. He gave me a fist-to-fist greeting with a hug and we taLked up a bit before I Left.

So darn Lucky to get a Lift from one of Sam's peeps, even Luckier to get the front seat coz I was the onLy guy and the five poor girLs had to squeeze at the back.

Knocked out from Lethargy for the next five hours before I awake for another soccer match on a good Sunday morning. This is to be the first match for The Greats FC of a new season but it weLL ended a 1-1 draw. Lunch and movie took the afternoon before a dinner cLosed my weekend and here I am, onLy haLf-aLive.

Come to think of it, I cant recaLL what eLse I have been doing other than so much sports. Life or no Life, it aLL depends on individuaL perceptions. To me, whats important is enjoying what you are doing. Dun Like, do aLso no point. It onLy spoiLs your own day.

The onLy sucky part of a weekend is the reminder that Monday is coming.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

BLK 46

Moments ago I heard from my Mom, that the pLace where I spent my chiLdhood is tearing down.

I have fond memories of that pLace in Bedok. That bLock, my pLayground. Itz where a notorious young boy thrived and gave much happiness, anger, depression and anguish to many of the residents.

Let me re-visit my chiLdhood before the Chinese New Year and capture itz beauty before itz gone for eternity.

It is onLy today that one particuLar famiLy of whom took me in as their very own son came into my mind since ages ago. My god-famiLy that is. I can never forget them coz without them I wiLL not have cuLtivated good vaLues and have a good strong base in the EngLish Language, or even have the chance to feeL being spoiLt and Loved.

Ok I have updated now stop bugging me to update!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Taking it Away

WhiLe sLacking away in my new army camp at Payar Lebar, reading the papers, I came across this advertisement on speaking good engLish movement.

The government wants us to improve our speech in that Language. Oh weLLs, great! That means they do not Like our very own SingLish aka Singaporean-engLish.

Now, where do we find the originaL "LocaL fLavour"? Roti prata? Chicken rice? Hokkien mee? Ohh pLease, these are from India and China. We shud instead Learn to accept that Rojak is the onLy thing we created, juz Like this country itseLf, mixed with different race and reLigions. And SingLish is the onLy originaL cuLture we have inhabited and ought to be proud of.

SeriousLy we shouLd juz form a Save SingLish campaign.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Sunday's date with soccer, a unique one @ Tampines SAFSA

Sunday, January 06, 2008


For years I have had this perception that peopLe who commits to a particuLar reLigion are not strong in nature. My perception may be offensive, but somehow there is truth in it. A reLigion exists for peopLe to foLLow so they have a direction in Life. At Least, they have a beLief in something and that gives them the drive to move forward. I wiLL not eLaborate my perception further to prevent writing about sensitive issues but today, me and my feLLow soccer mate, Jet, taLked about how much simiLar footbaLL is to a reLigion.

In fact, unknowningLy, it IS our reLigion.

Like many reLigions, we commit ourseLves to footbaLL pLaying it, taLking about it, discussing it and adoring it. On Sunday mornings, we gather to feeL it. We even have our own reLigious outfit known as The Jersey. We even worship pLayers.

It is truLy amazing how come footbaLL has yet to officiaLLy be known as one reLigion when the whoLe worLd is crazy over it.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Face Off

Baby ELden, mesmerised by Spiderman. So is the LittLe girL opposite him.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

23rd December 2007 @ Leon's.

29th December 2007 morning match.

29th December 2007 dinner @ EarLe Swenson's.

30th December 2007 wedding dinner with distant reLatives from Brunei and Sarawak.

31st December 2007 Late noon Lazing in town with UncLe Roger, baby ELden and cousin Hui.
The Leap to New Year

Say sayonara to 2007. Leave the bad and regrets, Look forward.

At CLark Quay Last evening, the five of us were trying to find an ideaL pLace for booze and ceLebration. You know, as we stroLLed through those pubs and peopLe, I seriousLy feeL digusted. Those thick makeup and reveaLing cLothes with pop-out boobs that seem to drop anytime, and guys in a shirt and pants that hoLd a bottLe in their hands, this is their Life, not mine. I am juz one to be in berms and sandaLs. Thus, with the cover charge up at SG$32 (supposedLy SG$16 an hour ago), I decided not to join Renee and ALan but Left the pub with Michie and QiuLian to TCC. I beLieve that TCC is the perfect pLace for an oLd man Like me to spend the Leap to 2008 in a simpLe fashion. And so me and the two Ladies did.

PersonaLLy, being back a week ago is the right moment for me to see for myseLf many, many things. First, that somehow many things are not to be the same ever again. At 23, I have grown pretty much easier to accept reaLity.

The wedding dinner I attended two days back, it made me see the beautifuL side of Life, a bLissfuL marriage of two peopLe in Love. And that, itz easy to make everything happen, with money. Nowadays, smart girLs do not go for Looks anymore. Of coz it is a bonus to have a gorgeous husband, but not as important as having the security in aLL areas especiaLLy finance. ALright and so, as much as I Love to have a son, marriage is out of question for the moment, for the right person is not yet here, and that I have nothing as yet.

ResoLutions for the new year .. Like every year, to be a better man, but finaLLy I can vouch that 2008 wouLd be so much better than so many years that have passed.

I feeL free.