Wednesday, May 30, 2007

ALL The Frenzy

After everything .. I'm home, finaLLy.

The touchdown. The first step on home soiL. The famiLiar smeLL. The peopLe. The Language. The Love ones. The streets. The neighbourhood. The house. The bed.

SimpLy sweet ..

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Weekend

FinaLLy the good days are back again at where I am, thus aLLowing me to go on trips and tours yet again!

Saturday was spent in Kaohsiung. HighLights incLude meeting up with the two Kao-meis and Jeremy's Taichung girLfriend. A waLk aLong the Love River was somewhat an eye-opener .. there were street staLLs and performances by combinations of soLo, mother-daughter, sisters and non-profit organisations Like the prevention of crueLty towards animaLs creating awareness and urging pubLic to donate. However what truLy touched me that evening, was the oLd coupLe that seLLs hand-sewn straw products. SandaLs and sLingbags aLL made soLeLy from straw .. and it ain juz pLain making. It is worksmanship .. it is .. extraordinary, and this coupLe is from what I beLieve to be in their seventies aLready.

Love River definiteLy Lives up to her name ...

Love River, Kaohsiung.

As for Sunday, a morning at the beach aLLowed me to unwind a LittLe. And trust me, Sentosa is nothing compared to the waves and waters of foreign shores Like that of where I was. A feast for the eyes too, where Taiwanese gaLs don in bikinis and beachwear! Ohh pLease, teLL me this is heaven, or at Least the next nearest to it.

Kenting Nan-Wan beach .. yes I know, I'm fatter now.

Then went to the kart racing arena to meet up with the Kao-meis who came down with me to the south. I have to apoLogise for being a bad host. FirstLy going for breakfast at Macs without them and then, going to the beach Leaving them in the company of Desmond Tay and Wei Wei. Ok itz a LittLe compLicated and Long story so shaLL not go further into detaiLs.

At the kart-racing, I thought making it Like a bumper car game wouLd be interesting so I bumped, and bumped and bumped. The aftermath? PeiLing with a bLue-bLack ankLe and for the next haLf of the day she waLks with a Limp. Ok .. Im sorry ya? My intention wasnt to hurt but to attain maximum excitment for u aLL since u gaLs cant win anyways ....

The 2 Kaohsiung-meis making a cameo in Hengchun town.

Evening at Hengchun town. And that sums up a reaLLy reLaxing weekend.

Two more days to homecoming .. and to my Love, footbaLL.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

UEFA Champions League FinaL

@ Athens, Greece


AC MiLan are winners of the Champions League 2007.

Two years ago, I was jubiLated (LiverpooL won against the same opponent in styLe then). Now I am devastated ..

Like peopLe say, the baLL is round. Sometimes teams that performed better Lost. Goes the same as for Life itseLf .. u dun aLways get wat u want despite ur efforts.

.. the game of footbaLL is, no doubt, unpredictabLe and thatz wat makes it so fuLL of passion and beauty.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Coming aLmost to one haLf of a year in a foreign country now, couLd say Life has been pretty cooL, simpLe yet interesting. Short-term goaLs Like attaining bike and car Licenses and owning a personaL notebook have been compLeted, and there are more to come, with diving and traveLLing (in Taiwan) very much in thoughts after my return from home Leave.

However, right now my own seLf seems Like a broken down vehicLe, stagnant and stiLL. Inside the head, many things, in a mess, which come up to nothing. Nothing to work for, to fight for. Everyday is just as it is.

The onLy comfort, is that I am coming home, man.

Time does not make one forget hurt .. it onLy makes one to get used to not thinking about it ..

Saturday, May 19, 2007

ten days

exactLy ten days, boy I'm coming home ..

.. to the cosy home in Hougang ..

.. to the deLight of my beLoved Mum ..

.. to the company of frenz ..

.. to the LocaL tastes of prata, mee pok, fried kway teow and more ..

.. and, to the beautifuL game.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Department Outing

The cake of May (or Me rather)

The eye of the future, on nothing but a chocoLateLy cake.

A traditionaL monthLy ceLebration for the month's birthday babies and End-of-Tour personaL. However coz there was onLy one person born in the month of May, therefore, it Looked as though everyone was ceLebrating for me .. wahh, so this year on an unknown Land with new found frenz, I had two ceLebrations. Shit .. what irony.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The NobLe Profession

The greatest profession anyone can ever be .. is to be a mother.

A mother never asks for everything she gives, so this day beLongs to aLL mothers in the worLd.

.. I Luv you, Mum.

Thursday, May 10, 2007



Monday, May 07, 2007

Ok the party's over ..

I'd Like to extend my many thanks to everyone who remembered 5th May .. and for those who made it memorabLe.

Of coz, I haven been that touched for ages now with the wonderfuL greetings and presents and notes. Itz appreciated.

LastLy, to those who are reading .. pLz, Live Life fuLL.

1 (burfday spent in Taiwan)

2 (oLd frenz in a faraway Land)

5 (mates staying in the same room)

.. and 7 (good feLLows under one roof)

PLease go and buy 4-D ...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

@ Both Ends on a speciaL day

from my view where those guys are awaiting for me to come in from the front door and springing a surprise ..

from the frontLine where the surprise turned otherwise (on them) instead .. boy, I am a cLever young man.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

UEFA Champions League Semi-FinaL (fresh from the oven)

2nd Leg @ AnfieLd Stadium


(aggregrate 1-1 after extra-time)

LiverpooL wins 4-1 on penaLties.