Thursday, September 27, 2007


Issit worth fighting for what seems to be a better Life even if it means spiLLing bLood? Or issit for the sake of the country to ruLe with an iron grip so much so that onLy fear and unhappiness fiLLs the Lives of the peopLe?

I am just another human being. My words cannot be heard. But pray to whoever your gods can be, that the 4 dead are the onLy ones that wiLL be in a simpLe Land caLLed Myanmar.

I suppose the dictionary has got it aLL wrong .. watz happiness with juz i and not U with me?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


ALways a LittLe sLower than the worLd, finaLLy watched this movie. The standard comes as a big surprise to me, coz I aLways thought Jay Chou was overrated in the superstar industry. But today he has proven himseLf to be the Jack of aLL trades, be it in singing, composing, pLaying (instruments), acting and directing. ReaLLy gotta take my hats off him..

And so moments ago I bumped into ImmanueL outside the room, and he reveaLed that "something magicaL happened to him". The picture as foLLows is taken from his bed....
No, you wun get the gize if you haven watched the movie. My fren, he is pretty much in his own worLd.
The SmiLe That Wasnt

When escaping hurts those who care, you know you gotta face it.

I'm sorry Jerms, Imman. No, our friendship hasnt change, neither has I. Let me make aLL up soon. Thanks for being such great friends, and I reaLLy mean it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

When ALL Is Lost

Im juz happy that I stiLL have you. You fuLfiL my Life, you bring me through ups and downs. You make me fLy. You are aLways here!

I simpLy Love my feet .. okie gone going for a run now.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

When Jokers Meet

Long says:
Long says:
Laptop keypad spoiL how ah?
Stuffi - says:
go service lor
Stuffi - says:
which letter cannot type?
Long says:

An obviousLy stupid question with a siLLy answer ...

This reminded Stuffi a.k.a poLicer officer Ng Wee Siang of his PoLy days when more often than ever, the Lecturers Love to ask the Last seated peeps if they can be heard and they wiLL answer back.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


A game of soccer sets me thinking far into my approach in pLay, which I haven reaLise untiL about today.

I was having a normaL kickabout with the campmates here, Like aLways, I pLayed as the Last man keeping goaL. As usuaL, my team wiLL compLain about me being compLacent becoz I aLways Lean my eLbows on the bar of the goaLposts and then concede soft, sudden goaLs. WeLL, they are right, I am simpLy Mr. CompLacent.

SeriousLy, I dun give a shit becoz I did not show enough respect to the other peopLe. The tag of "you-are-so-good" hanging on my head must be taken off becoz everyone wants to pLay to win and my attitude sucks big time. I apoLogise.

SuddenLy I remembered some footbaLLing peopLe who had toLd me before, that my styLe of pLay has become conservative. UnLike the past, I dun attempt to dribbLe past peopLe anymore. I dun turn peopLe inside out and outside in anymore. I dun attack freeLy anymore. I juz become .. defensive, Like in my own Life. I've stopped going after improvement and to better myseLf.

WeLL, therez no right or wrong, everyone evoLves through time, but you know it when itz time to change. Sometimes, you wiLL need someone to give you a kick in the butt to get you going ..

Watz ur position? An aLL-out attacker, or a Laid-back defender?

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Aunty Agony

Today, together with two of my mates, we went to do faciaL. Men doing faciaL is no Longer something uncommon, itz juz Like women doing contact sports ..

Aunty Agony does it best, pinching and squeezing. The pain is extremeLy unbearabLe! At Least, I know that the price women pay to Look pretty is more than juz money.

Since we are on good reLations with the Lady boss because of subsequent visits, she treated us to dinner on this day. The three of us, with two of her staff, ate our hearts out at the steamboat buffet. Had wanna pay her but she simpLy turned it away, but made a simpLe request that we wiLL not forget her when we return to Singapore. Lady boss sure is cute despite being in her forties.

She did not have to request, for she has aLready earned herseLf a sLot down memory Lane.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Months back in a University in Taichung, Taiwan. We pLayed in jeans against the schooL team pLayers and scored a win. For this goaL, I can repLay it over a 100 times and not get bored. Juz Look at the move that resuLted in the goaL .. simpLy beautifuL! And I'm juz proud to be part of it.

Monday, September 03, 2007

In the EngLish Premier League :

In Singapore :

DoubLe Happiness Strikes Again...

For me in Taiwan, I juz hope to keep striking a doubLe week in week out. It wiLL be the perfect antidote for a Monday bLue.