Monday, January 29, 2007


For soLdiers Like us who go overseas, there is one and onLy term that is most taLked about - E.O.T, aka End-of-Tour or if you Like "Enough of Taiwan" ..

Tomorrow morning, 10 a.m, a good guy, First Sergeant Stephen Chau, ends his tour. He, Like everyone, has seen one fuLL batch of changes. For me, he is onLy the first. The 365-day journey is crueL, you wiLL see everyone Leave before eventuaLLy, your turn comes.

But again, they say who cares about eternity, itz the moments that count.

Tonight we ceLebrated ; my arrivaL, and his departure. Booze, food and water spLashing aLL around in the 13 degree ceLcius weather. Drenched in the freezing coLd, it reminded me of the onLy other unbearabLe coLd nightmare in Paris Last May.

Now I wiLL joLLy spend my "Long Life" bidding goodbye to peopLe one by one, untiL mine comes to an end and the younger ones do the same for me ..

Thursday, January 25, 2007


As of yesterday, the camp has got visitors from OCS ; officer-wannabes on a 3-week training frame. It sure is more LiveLy with training troops around .. but then ....

Right now as I am using the mess, the officers are drinking, singing karaoke and surfing net. On my right, a guy is chatting on MSN and surfing net .. on my right, two officers are going through Friendster (scanning through babes) and chatting on MSN (with gaLs I suppose are strangers), prior to each sentence they type, they discuss. With each repLy they get, they anaLyse ..

Wahh, I din know being an officer is that compLicated ...

ALright, I pLan to do some teaching here in Taiwan when time is ripe. I beLieve my standard shouLd be sufficient enough to teach basic EngLish ..

Monday, January 22, 2007

Drive SpeLt Easy, Drive Done DifficuLt

And yes, one FULL month has passed. This marathon has moved onto another Lap. Like a bLink of the eye, homecoming shouLd be near ..

Anyways, I started the engine and got dead, thrice. Not bad for a greenhorn?

The License to thriLL wiLL be mine by March!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


What the fuck is a "moochi"? Let me know to you who knows ..

22 years gone by .. and she has aLways been right behind me, every singLe moment. Haven reaLised untiL now .. that the person who I Love most has aLways been there. Thank you Mom.

P.S : .. and I miss beautifuL footbaLL and the team.

Monday, January 15, 2007

101, XimenDing, KMaLL, ShiLin market

Over the weekend, I embarked on a journey from the south right to the north, where city Life thrives ..

.. I finaLLy set foot on Taipei city for the first time .. fuck itz a Long and costLy trip ; totaL of six hours and SGD100 tru and fro.

On the LocaL MRT, a middLe-aged man who was reading EngLish papers overheard our conversation and had a LittLe casuaL chat with us. He asked where we are from and what Language we were speaking. ToLd him it was EngLish. He said he did not understand a word .. it was then we expLained the origin of SingLish ..

Friday, January 12, 2007


The LocaLs are warm .. they Love foreigners Like us here. You speak and right away they know you are not from here. The LocaLs have a certain curiousity as to where you are from, what you are doing and how you feeL about their country ..

The foLLowing paragraph is for men ONLY .. skip if you do not own a penis.

With due respect to Singaporean gaLs, Taiwanese "mei-mei"s are definiteLy better Looking. On top of that, they are open and outgoing. In Singapore, itz the guys who "bio" but here, the gaLs "bio" guys more. Legend has it that Taiwanese gaLs are impressed with dark, EngLish-speaking guys .. but this has not yet been proven to be a fact untiL I endorse some time soon hopefuLLy. I saw a fishmonger who is 20ish and she is more beautifuL than the average cLubber ..

Shit. Time out! Be back again ..

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Fast N' Furious

Doing things for the first time brings about a tinge of excitment .. and I cant find any pLace better than Taiwan to experience so many.

In a mere two weeks, Life has been Lived fuLL, for me.

Just today, 7 of my campmates and I went on a biking session around the southern and eastern parts of Taiwan. It wasnt reaLLy right to rent without Licence but this ain Singapore ..

And so "vroom-vroom" went the day ..

If you think Sentosa was beautifuL, wait tiL you see the coasts and mountains of Taiwan. Cutting through the famous summer hot spot, Kenting, we arrived facing the Pacific Ocean at the "most southern part of Taiwan". Here, you see a vast bLue sea with a horizon in a distance, the waves bLending with the mountains, forming a LiveLy sight. It was beautifuL, simpLy. Air is fresh in Singapore, yes, but it ain as naturaL as where I am. It is a spLendid pLace for coupLes in my view.

Then we rode to the eastern coast of Taiwan for a coupLe of hours to enjoy the breeze, after which cutting across the isLand to catch the sunset at the west. Six hours of riding here and there, my biking experience is now LeveL 80 at Least, and Taiwan expLoration coverage .. maybe 20% I guess .. south, east and west but aLL done at the bottom of the country ..

Taiwan is a Long stretch of Land and cLassified mainLy in three parts .. Northern, CentraL and Southern. The urban areas Like Taipei is Located in the North and Kaohsiung in CentraL whiLe the Southern consists mainLy of more ruraL towns Like where I am right now, Hengchun. With another 11 months to go, I bet I wiLL compLete my tour within the time frame. But it ain coming cheap .. just today I had oredi spent SGD70 ..

ALright thats aLL for the Geography Lesson .. I dun care if you guys are interested, but I'LL post up my first photos taken here on this day .. soon ..
Im sorrie for converting this bLog into more of a personaL diary but I have to ..

Right now in the Camp Mess as I am using the pay-as-u-use internet service, the cook is singing his heart out of a song by Mayday .. ya know wat I mean .. screaming ~ at midnight.

Give me a break, I juz wanna catch up with my frenz on MSN.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


For those having a very beautifuL perception that "Bin Lang Mei" are hot and gorgeous, pLease erase it from ur mind once and for aLL .. you wiLL be disappointed at what you get ..

There are aunties, "xiao mei mei" and the uLtimate ..

.. uncLes.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Cant Take My Fingers OffLine

.. and so I thought I wun be onLine as often. But juz cant keep my fingers off the keyboard with such a reLaxed LifestyLe here. Now, I am juz patientLy awaiting for my cash reserve to grow into such that a Laptop wouLd be mine so I do not have to insert NT$10 for every 30 minutes I use the internet.

It wiLL be with my hard-earned money. For once I can caLL something my own ..

Went on a trip to Kaohsiung where the city Life beckons on Saturday. Itz another buzzLing city way different from the Hengchun town. There were more entertainment, shopping and pretty faces .. babes I mean. Anyway they say Taipei has much more offer. WeLL, tiLL I see with my own eyes in February, I keep my fingers crossed.

Be back again some time soon.
Precious Moments

Living with it .. you take for granted. Without it .. you cherish.

Wahh .. finaLLy I reaLise how important my Mom is .. and how LoveLy my LittLe sis is .. and how much I am being Loved and soreLy missed by so many ..

I reaLLy treasure each and every singLe one of you of whom is in my Life ..

Happy 07 .. and take great care!