Sunday, March 23, 2008

Fuck-ed Up

Just F.Y.I. if anyone of you dunnoe, the cLash of titans between Manchester United and LiverpooL ends 3-0 in favour of the former.

I dunnoe for you, but I caught the match at my neighbourhood coffeeshop. It was supposed to be a good match.


But one man spoiLt it aLL. One man, and no doubt he became Manchester United's 12th man on the pitch .. he is none other than the referee.

The referee, in any footbaLL match, shouLd act as a fair, unbiased officiaL for the sake of sportsmanship. ShouLd he faiL to honour equaLity for two sides, he faiLs to earn respect from the pLayers, and the miLLions of fans out there (and I mean true footbaLL fans Less those from the side the refereee favours).

This joker a.k.a. fuck-ed up keLong referee, he sent off a LiverpooL pLayer and ended the game from there. Either he must have wanted to make the 60,000 Manchester United home fans of OLd Trafford happy and worship him, or he seriousLy do not understand what job professionaLism is.

12 against 10 .. yes, this is the beautifuL game.

It made me swear continuousLy whiLe waLking home through my park, so much so a passerby shun away probabLy thinking the man he saw couLd weLL be a runaway from the Institute of MentaL HeaLth Located just a LittLe distance away.

Fuck it. Rejoice, Manchester United, you deserve your victory. But dun forget the numericaL advantage you had to win this.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Under My UmbreLLa

On a wet Saturday Like this where cats and dogs are poured from up above, it is aLmost impossibLe to head out of ur doorstep without the ever-reLiabLe invention - umbreLLa.

For the first time in ages, you see this 23-year-oLd dude carry a white, stick-styLe umbreLLa, throwing aside the Man's ego that its damn sissy to bring one out. He finaLLy got enLightened, that ego does not make a man, manLy. It onLy gets the man drenched on a rainy afternoon, or worse, ending up with a drenched mobiLe phone as weLL.

I feeL pretty wise.

Yet, on the same day in a separate incident, this wise young man go for a footbaLL match pLaying for his constituency. To impress, he runs, and fights for every baLL. In the end the impression is made, with a deep gash on the upper Lip, coming from a bad boot of the opposition.

I feeL, weLL, stupid to chaLLenge for that baLL.

Watever u may be doing, do enjoy ur weekend of raindrops (touchwood) .. I mean, rays.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Same Breed

I read Audrey's Latest post on her bLog, and it sets me coming with a few questions.

Are you ..

One. Facing the computer every singLe time you get home tiL your bed caLLs for you ..
Two. Staring at ur bLoody MSN List without even cLicking on any names ..
Three. RandomLy browsing the same god damn websites for the 1000th time this week ..
Four. SeriousLy just sitting in front of the computer and feeLing uer no better than dead.

If aLL of the above happens frequentLy to you, on a positive note, you and I beLong to the same breed. However, we shouLd aLso be aware that the computers in our homes are eviL hypnotists.

Women in footbaLL @ Serangoon stadium on a Saturday afternoon. Impressed is me by how good women can be if they trade their shopping addiction for footbaLL.

Some cute LittLe pLace I happened to notice when the bus I was on came to a haLt at red.

Monday, March 03, 2008


Not exactLy the best of a week for the team with a disappointing defeat over the weekend. NevertheLess, on a personaL note, my own game pLay is going in the right direction.

For the sake of improving in the BeautifuL game, catching up with friends has since become graduaLLy once in a bLue, bLue moon. With that, friends are sLowLy drifting away, or maybe, I shouLd say itz the other way round.

I gotta apoLogise to some of whom I have been "ignoring", but it certainLy ain nothing personaL. You guys must understand, that J. Long is a fuLL-time (no-pay) professionaL footbaLLer. Come to think of it, everyone is just as immersed in their own Lives, going from one phrase in Life to another, drifting away from peopLe of their own past and meeting new ones.

Life's pretty interesting/ugLy with aLL the twists depending on how you see it.

I dun care Less, reaLLy.