Saturday, October 31, 2009

A LittLe isLand caLLed TimeLess

Last Thursday, after a good dinner with the two girLs of whom I spent my 2007 Lunar New Year with back in Taiwan, I parted company from them and randomLy waLked to The Cathay.

It was aLready about 10 p.m but there are stiLL a few Last screenings to choose from - The Song of Sparrows, 500 Days of Summer and some other horrow movies. ALL of which I reaLLy do not have any cLue or idea what kind of genre the movies beLong to except for the horror ones which the titLes are pretty straightforward .. Like HaLLoween something and stuff.

With hesitation, I did not catch any movie that evening.

A week Later, on another Thursday, I did a LittLe research on the movies. And there was no doubt The Song of Sparrows wouLd end up my choice as it caught my eye with its synopsis.

I went back to Cathay and caught an afternoon screening. SureLy this Lived up to the awards it has won as a Foreign Language fiLm. I wouLd reaLLy recommend that you guys give it a try even as you may not understand a singLe word the movie speaks (its Iranian).

You wiLL be amazed as I am, with scenes of artistic touch, and as the critics cLaimed, it is 'deepLy humanistic'. One of the rare fiLms with a simpListic sense and one I enjoy a Lot.

Somehow as the worLd progresses with the aid of technoLogy, one wiLL think if it is aLL worthwhiLe to work so hard, forget who you are, Lose the human touch and sLowLy forgo your favourite past-time and simpLe things that can make you happy.

I guess you couLd be Like me, Looking out for an isLand caLLed TimeLess.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Content

PeopLe are just Like tea in a teapot. Warm and pure at the very beginning, and you know you feeL good at the first sip.

As time goes by, the surroundings chiLLs it. It becomes cooLer, Less fragrant, Less feeL at subsequent sips. But the tea is stiLL pure, just turned coLd.

Tea can change its feeL but not its nature.

As aLways days passed and turned to weeks, weeks passed and turned to months. Time sureLy awaits no man.

Many events have come and gone, for me, to have participated in run events Like the SaLomon X-TraiL and Nike Human Race. Have aLso been Lucky enough to bump into a few oLd friends Like Lee Jiahui of whom shares the exact same first and middLe name as me.

I have spoken about the Life that is going at an obscene pace. And it has been reaLLy difficuLt to sit down, spare a few minutes of time for thoughts and pen it here in my very own bLog. However, I guess the changes and evoLution of the worLd sure has been way too fast for anyone to capture any precious moments they may have.

It couLd be just me. But every change brings about joy and disappointment. Changes are aLways for the better in the Long run, but constant changes are not increasing the quaLity of Life.

I think a Lot these days. I think of the past, I think of the present, and I think of the changes that wiLL mouLd the future. It seems to be good, but transition wiLL be difficuLt, for some. NevertheLess, whats more important is that even with changes to the environment, peopLe can remain as they are.

I yearn for simpLicity.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Friday evening. My good friend Yongren wouLd be ceLebrating his 25th birthday that evening at some pLace chiLLing out with some of the Lads.

Being the typicaL me, I do not have much enthusiasm to go, but ended up a Last minute addition to the cLique that night. Had to give some face to him, a great guy Lah.

Somehow one night out foLLowed by another the next day, right after a Saturday spent in the office, totaLLy ListLess. And then we drank and danced our hearts out that evening.

I cannot beLieve I am reaLLy there, and to think peeps Like Guofeng, Gan, Guowei and Robert were unusuaL absentees in the party. No standard (as they aLways Like to put it).

No doubt, it feLt good to Let Loose once a whiLe with paLs and meeting good new peeps, in this case, HazeL, of whom sure was pretty sporting, joining the group of us guys where she onLy knew a coupLe or so.

"I gotta feeLing .. that tonight's gonna be a good night ..."

It had to be, a weekend of sLeepLess nights spent in the company of music and groove.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Like many, my Love for writing is diminishing with time. The cuLprit must have most probabLy been work. Either that, or Life has not been any interesting.

Over the Last week incLuding this has been pretty disastrous. Nothing much to be happy about but the compLete opposite. Saturday, pLayed a game, Lost. Sunday pLayed another, Lost. And that evening, LiverpooL Lost. On top of that, a LittLe cyber soccer League game me and the guys are pLaying, I Lost again.

These two weeks, I was simpLy a Loser.

In Losing though, there are stiLL positives that can be taken out. My coLLeague, Richard T. shared with me a story with regards to the corporate worLd.

He said, think of yourseLf as a farmer. How weLL your crops grow doesnt compLeteLy depend on how much effort you put in. But you gotta consider a Lot of factors. A farmer at the desert, no matter how hard he worked, he cannot reap anything. A farmer at the mountains, he couLd just throw in the seeds, do nothing, yet reap resuLts.

Same profession, different outcome.

WeLL, are you a farmer at the desert, or one at the mountains?