Saturday, April 09, 2005

Having read so many bLogs of Late, I have juz some thoughts two cents worth.

Why do humans have to get so emotionaLLy drained by death of cLose ones, reLationship breakups, financiaL instabiLity and being deprive of Love, sex and money when Life stiLL has to go on? Why does each and one of us have to Let this "thing" known as emotions controL our Lives?

You can choose to be master or sLave of your Life, and of course in the course of your short Lifespan of a hundred years (definiteLy not any Longer) it is best to Live it fuLLest, thus wise is the one who choose to forgo the emotionaL factor and attain ownage of their Lives. Cummon peeps, be a LittLe more coLd-bLooded wiLL ya? Itz not worth crying over spiLt miLk. Stop whining and get a hoLd of urseLves, weak earthLings ..

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