Monday, June 27, 2005

On Her Burfday ..

26th June is a day not to be forgotten, but pLanned .. and I did juz dat for itz Her burfday. However, things din reLi work out as I expected due to some poor time management of mine.

The perfect pLan was as foLLow :

I wud check into Strand HoteL at 2p.m .. bLow up the room fuLL of baLLoons .. pLace the present and card on the bed and use fLower petaLs to write out Happy Burfday. Then coLLect the bouquet of LiLies and the burfday cheesecake I pre-ordered days back from Taka and await for Her arrivaL back in the room. When She reach, I wiLL switch off the Lights, Lit the burfday cake, the aromatic candLe on the bed to present the gift and card and bring Her in. At haLf past nine, we wud then catch A Lot Like Love at CineLeisure which I had aLready booked.

The actuaL happenings :

I checked in at 3p.m .. had some time to bLow up the baLLoons but they suck BIG time coz it was tough trying to tie up the baLLoons and at 4, I had to rush to Bugis for a speciaL appearance donning in a SyLvanian FamiLy character - Mother Rabbit. WiLL taLk about the rabbit some other time. Thought I had time Later on to coLLect the stuff but after the second showtime at 6p.m, she caLLed and I have done nothing more and met Her. NevertheLess She was aLright with me and thankfuLLy the baLLoons and the presentation of gift and card in the room did have an impact on Her ..

I made Her wait as I haiLed a cab to Taka and coLLected the remaining stuff and got back to where She was. We then did the burfday formaLities, juz the two of us though.

Soon after, we got down to CineLeisure for Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Preets, and it was a pretty good show. I Like Ashton .. he's good! And he doesnt suck in singing, reLi ..

Anyway I wud Like to apoLogise to the auntie who cLeans our room the next day, coz we Left aLL the baLLoons back there and sneaked away!

P.S : Happy Burfday to U ..

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