Eve of Big 11WeLL .. itz been quite a whiLe .. and thought I cud juz drop some Lines for those of u popping by now and then ..
These days, every month has been fiLLed fuLL with Lots of changes and packed with stuff that sometimes itz so hard to even catch a breather. Me and Baby went on a hoLiday to KuaLa Lumpur in da middLe of August, juz right after our exams, and days before the industriaL attachment. Quite suay was that a day after we booked for the package, we heard over news that haze was infiLtrating the MaLaysian capitaL. God damn *beep*!
Worried we were, for She's asthmatic. But when da day approached, good news came that the haze has gone. It was a wonderfuL three days spent right there, and I gotta teLL u guys about this hoteL which I bLoody wished I cud stay forever in - Berjaya Time Square hoteL. AbsoLuteLy briLLiant! Wat made it more speciaL was that they gave us the top LeveL suite, with a big bathtub, a king-sized bed, a Living room wif sofa bed and 34-inched tv set, radio wif hi-fi .. and a toiLet wif the ass-washer! Evwerything that made the room Look Like a cosy home ..
Not born of RoyaL bLood I am, but I Lived Like a King in Berjaya .. but of coz it wudnt have been the same without Baby.
Returning to Singapore was hard, coz for the next two and haLf months She's to be on atttachment, and me on the rot. ThankfuLLy I found an admin. job in HSBC, though I have since tendered my resignation.
Days back, me and Her went on a photoshoot which wud mark our Year anniversary together when October 1st comes. It was reaL cooL .. but tiring. And our photographer .. guesz wat, he keep shooting soLo of my Baby in a gorgeous gown and ask me stand aside .. and my soLo shots are but haLf Lesser. Maybe Im being paranoid, maybe coz they aLways have more shots for Ladies. But sure was fun and Im gLad Baby enjoyed it much.
WeLL, moments of magic have got itz price after aLL .. therefore work is something we cannot avoid unLess BiLL Gates decides to adopt me. Time to work .. time to work ..
and much as I miss u Baby, thank you for heLping me deveLop into a better man .. you are the veri best .. and that is true ..