Monday, March 03, 2008


Not exactLy the best of a week for the team with a disappointing defeat over the weekend. NevertheLess, on a personaL note, my own game pLay is going in the right direction.

For the sake of improving in the BeautifuL game, catching up with friends has since become graduaLLy once in a bLue, bLue moon. With that, friends are sLowLy drifting away, or maybe, I shouLd say itz the other way round.

I gotta apoLogise to some of whom I have been "ignoring", but it certainLy ain nothing personaL. You guys must understand, that J. Long is a fuLL-time (no-pay) professionaL footbaLLer. Come to think of it, everyone is just as immersed in their own Lives, going from one phrase in Life to another, drifting away from peopLe of their own past and meeting new ones.

Life's pretty interesting/ugLy with aLL the twists depending on how you see it.

I dun care Less, reaLLy.

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