Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Singapore 3 : 7 Uzbekistan

Other than having a rich array of foreign-based pLayers who doesnt even know how to sing the Singapore nationaL anthem, the Singapore footbaLL team is a compLete thrash.

With a heaLthy turnout of LocaL fans incLuding me at the historic KaLLang stadium which seems never-gonna-cLose-down even though the cLosing ceremony had been done with, we expect the footbaLL team to at Least fight with some passion Lah ..

Wat the heLL, an embarassment on the pitch, and off the pitch as weLL, as I have seen. One Singaporean man, wearing the Dutch nationaL jersey, freaking cheering when the Uzbekistanis scored. It brought much curiosity to the angmohs seated behind him, and they asked him why.

I do not have to hear his expLanation, for in our country, the passion for this game can never be comparabLe to the great footbaLLing nations. Our peopLe are brought up to Love tangibLe stuff that money can buy instead, and of coz other than their own money, who reaLLy cares about what the country is doing in the other areas not even cLose to affecting their Lives.


That is typicaL Singaporeans nowadays. Of coz, we can say we have no choice that we are Like that but, are we Living a Life then? Or are we even feeLing being part of Singapore? FeeL.

This may be just footbaLL, but see for urseLf the cuLture that seems to be aLmost remarkabLe yet short of warmth.

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