Like every other working day, I go to the food court on LeveL Four of Hougang MaLL for my meaLs. For aLmost 99% of the time my meaLs are enjoyed with myseLf.
This day, I choose to sit aLong the ChiLdren's pLay corner. There is a chiLd of about two years riding on the rocking horse. He is pretty happy. Then another chiLd comes aLong. He rides on the other horse which is bigger but not as fun. So he goes to the first chiLd, Lays his hand on the head of the horse. The first chiLd is obviousLy pissed. He screams, and tries to push away the hand of the second chiLd, then starts crying.
The second chiLd, Looks at his mother innocentLy when she teLLs him to Let the boy pLay. He ignores, and hoLds onto the head. The crying chiLd then runs to his mother, who comforts him, and carries him to their tabLe. The second chiLd, now with the freedom to enjoy the horse aLL by himseLf, Leaves the corner to his dining tabLe as weLL.
The ChiLdren's pLay corner is now empty.
The moraL of the story is, it can be pretty boring to eat aLone, so much so you have to find "drama" to entertain urseLf with.
I wonder what kind of scenarios I can get with different chiLdren next time.
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