BLack November Mumbai
Terrorists hit India. One Singaporean woman dead. Young, bright, and supposedLy to have Lived a wonderfuL Life ahead. Wrong pLace, wrong time. Life is taken. And there goes her out of this worLd.
You can just imagine, what kind of worLd we are Living in. So fragiLe, so unpredictabLe. We are aLL caught between the fine Line of Living and dying.
So, pLease show more Love to yourseLves if you haven't been.
Just on MSN, I see one friend with a personaL message which he excLaims excitedLy over winning some cash in Starters for 4D. Guess what he bet on? The Singaporean victim's age, and the fLoor number of her hoteL room, which comes up to 2819.
Pretty annoying just how insensitive some peopLe can be, and to think that this friend of mine is a civiL servant, supposedLy to be "civiLised".
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Day Greats FootbaLL CLub Became Champions
Today, Greats moved one step cLoser in their pursuit of a first-ever Champions honour. This is by far my best moment through the years we have pLayed together since year 1998.
The match against AIG FootbaLL CLub aLso puts the icing on the cake with myseLf grabbing one goaL (weLL, I seLdom score anyways) and being nominated as the Man of the Match by my feLLow warriors.
Greats FootbaLL CLub has graduaLLy buiLt up a branding in the ESPZEN Amateur League over the past years since its inception.
ShouLd there be any interest in sponsorship of some kind, pLease feeL free to contact me. We would weLcome it with open hands!
For now I'm just being gLued to ChanneL 8's anniversary ceLebration with the intention of rekindLing dramas, actors and moments from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Its with much amazement that time passes in such a pace that we do not reaLise how many interesting moments we have faiLed to appreciate.
Later foLks.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A snaiL aLong the steps of NACLI (training institute).
A creation by anonymous on the windows of HaLL of Aspirations, NACLI. StrangeLy, we do not do this at our workpLace, do we? It is onLy out of the usuaL routine wiLL ur creativity set in.
Let me taLk more about my Induction Programme soon in the next few days.
Thanks for visiting, Evonne.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
The best intangibLe gift a man can get, in my point of view, is knowLedge.
To acquire new knowLedge is Like expLoring strange terrains for the first time, and that is simpLy therapatic.
Second day of a "honeymoon period" course went absoLuteLy weLL, with the ice aLmost totaLLy broken amongst the 27 course-mates who have just joined the company in no more than six months.
Just something to share with the very few peopLe who drops by once a whiLe ..
I have Learnt today that peopLe onLy see what they wanna see. This is one reaLity which can be reaLLy ugLy. We have aLL been brought up to beLieve in certain things which, in fact, do not exist.
D you remember when you were younger, the eLders wiLL aLways say "Don't anyhow run ah .. Later mangkaLi (dark-skinned man from another race) take you away!"
And so, when we grow up and happens that an Indian man waLks behind approaching you, chances are you wiLL feeL threatened and fearfuL. For aLL you know, you may have dropped your waLLet and he just wants to return you.
You wouLd have heard about Osama Bin Laden after the 911 incident. He became the worLd's most wanted. Months Later, a Sikh man working at a petroL station, became the first post-casuaLty foLLowing 911.
He was shot by a white man who drove and stopped by the station. When questioned by the poLice, the white man cLaimed he thought the victim was dangerous. He said, "I shot him because he is dark-skinned, grows a beard and wears a turban." ObviousLy, we can Laugh at this dumb shit, but can bLame reaLLy be put on him?
This is one syndrome known as "Lookism" and we are aLL infected by it. Somehow, the chaLLenge to break the race-barrier that is seemingLy improving on the surface, is onLy on the surface.
Think about it, how often in your workpLace, with coLLeagues from the minority groups, you speak your own tongue? The thing is, in Singapore, most Chinese wiLL never understand the how our dear minority friends are feeLing.
Try taking a waLk aLone down LittLe India ...
Road to raciaL harmony? LabeLLed "Working stiLL in progress."
The best intangibLe gift a man can get, in my point of view, is knowLedge.
To acquire new knowLedge is Like expLoring strange terrains for the first time, and that is simpLy therapatic.
Second day of a "honeymoon period" course went absoLuteLy weLL, with the ice aLmost totaLLy broken amongst the 27 course-mates who have just joined the company in no more than six months.
Just something to share with the very few peopLe who drops by once a whiLe ..
I have Learnt today that peopLe onLy see what they wanna see. This is one reaLity which can be reaLLy ugLy. We have aLL been brought up to beLieve in certain things which, in fact, do not exist.
D you remember when you were younger, the eLders wiLL aLways say "Don't anyhow run ah .. Later mangkaLi (dark-skinned man from another race) take you away!"
And so, when we grow up and happens that an Indian man waLks behind approaching you, chances are you wiLL feeL threatened and fearfuL. For aLL you know, you may have dropped your waLLet and he just wants to return you.
You wouLd have heard about Osama Bin Laden after the 911 incident. He became the worLd's most wanted. Months Later, a Sikh man working at a petroL station, became the first post-casuaLty foLLowing 911.
He was shot by a white man who drove and stopped by the station. When questioned by the poLice, the white man cLaimed he thought the victim was dangerous. He said, "I shot him because he is dark-skinned, grows a beard and wears a turban." ObviousLy, we can Laugh at this dumb shit, but can bLame reaLLy be put on him?
This is one syndrome known as "Lookism" and we are aLL infected by it. Somehow, the chaLLenge to break the race-barrier that is seemingLy improving on the surface, is onLy on the surface.
Think about it, how often in your workpLace, with coLLeagues from the minority groups, you speak your own tongue? The thing is, in Singapore, most Chinese wiLL never understand the how our dear minority friends are feeLing.
Try taking a waLk aLone down LittLe India ...
Road to raciaL harmony? LabeLLed "Working stiLL in progress."
Thursday, November 06, 2008
There Is ..
My apoLogies for the previous post whereby a Singaporean Layman who thinks that Mr. Obama being President wiLL have no impact on Singapore.
Think about this, Mr. Obama has spent years schooLing in Indonesia. What if ... he decides to pump in miLLions on Batam or Bintan or some other Indonesian isLands?
Somehow the course that I am going through right now in NationaL Community Leadership Institute, is reaping Lots.
So Looking forward to the second day, tomorrow.
My apoLogies for the previous post whereby a Singaporean Layman who thinks that Mr. Obama being President wiLL have no impact on Singapore.
Think about this, Mr. Obama has spent years schooLing in Indonesia. What if ... he decides to pump in miLLions on Batam or Bintan or some other Indonesian isLands?
Somehow the course that I am going through right now in NationaL Community Leadership Institute, is reaping Lots.
So Looking forward to the second day, tomorrow.
America Decides

Another history rewritten. The 44th Presidency of the United States of America was decided earLier on, with Democrat Barack Obama winning over the RepubLican John McCain.
FrankLy speaking, my knowLedge has been reaLLy Limited these days, other than knowing that Obama is born of an African father and American mother, and that he is the first black American to become President, and that he is considered a truLy gLobaL President (with even Indonesians, Japanese, and Africans aLL behind him), I dun think I have any idea what kind of impact this eLection has on Singapore as a whoLe.
WeLL, it doesnt reaLLy matter a Lot. The onLy good thing is that I am gonna be away from work for at Least a week. The company has sent me for an induction camp which my coLLeagues have aLL cLaimed to be the sweetest time of their working Life in the company.
Man, I am so Looking forward to it. May not be onLine for the next few days. So, tiL then, cya.

Another history rewritten. The 44th Presidency of the United States of America was decided earLier on, with Democrat Barack Obama winning over the RepubLican John McCain.
FrankLy speaking, my knowLedge has been reaLLy Limited these days, other than knowing that Obama is born of an African father and American mother, and that he is the first black American to become President, and that he is considered a truLy gLobaL President (with even Indonesians, Japanese, and Africans aLL behind him), I dun think I have any idea what kind of impact this eLection has on Singapore as a whoLe.
WeLL, it doesnt reaLLy matter a Lot. The onLy good thing is that I am gonna be away from work for at Least a week. The company has sent me for an induction camp which my coLLeagues have aLL cLaimed to be the sweetest time of their working Life in the company.
Man, I am so Looking forward to it. May not be onLine for the next few days. So, tiL then, cya.
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