Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The "LoneLy Hearts CLub" Affair @ Batam on VaLentine's

On the ferry to Batam.

I Like this picture - totaLLy twisted courtesy from Serene and Long.

Nathan, Serene, Jane, ELeanor, KeLvin .. Less Me behind the Lens.

That's Ms Vain with an attitude, and that's me trying to use broken MaLay to order food.

The cabLe ski experience, though we're onLy starting from the beginner's stage.

The LoneLy Hearts CLub members for the day.

VaLentine's was decorated with a LoveLy atmosphere around HoLiday Inn HoteL, and there we are taking advantage of it.

Where eLse can you rejuvenate yourseLf with chiLdhood favourite - A&W and its very originaL Root Beer FLoat.

1 comment:

Ephraim Loy 黎传志 said...

Lonely Hearts. LOL.

Eh, you spelt my name wrongly in your links.