Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

It was a pretty rush day for myseLf as there were many deadLines, so much so I Left the office onLy at midnight.

The day couLd not have been worst if not for an incident which happened in City Square MaLL.

It was aLready 5-ish and I had to submit some purchase order form by 6p.m as our finance cLoses their account for the financiaL year.

And so I waLked through City Square MaLL basement via the North East mass rapit transit. There right in front of me were the escaLators going up to the exit of the maLL. As I approached at the escaLator, this coupLe popped up casuaLLy Looking upwards and stroLLing, cutting my path between me and the escaLator without noticing me.

I stopped ... and aLLowed this coupLe to pass, but kena stepped by the 'gentLeman' who apparentLy reaLised that he was in the way.

Expecting an apoLogy, I Looked at him. SurprisingLy, he gazed at me and waLked past as if nothing happened in siLence. What the fuck man! If you stepped on someone, you apoLogise. Its that simpLe.

I kept staring at him as he went the other way of the escaLator, he was stiLL gazing at me Like nothing freaking happened! As I moved up and he moved down, I finaLLy gave him the uLtimate "what the fuck" gesture, shook my head and moved on. There was not a singLe word said between us.

It stiLL baffLes me the kind of etiquette that Singaporeans have cuLtivated throughout the years .. as we can see, sure has changed .. but definiteLy not for the better.

We need to be more gracious, more humane and better respected.

Fucking stepped on my three weeks oLd Pedro Loafers. To heLL, moron! (excuse me, pLease)

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