As I entered the train on a typicaL Monday morning, aLL set to go to work, I stood amongst aLL others who were Like me, boarding the same train, traveLing to the same office every singLe week day.
On this day though, there was something different that I observed. I saw a seated man communicating with a standing Lady .. in hand signs.
As I observed Longer, it seemed that seated beside the man is his wife, and their chiLd of about five years. And this man, is communicating with a stranger who was deaf, Like him. I got more interested and kept observing. If my very own transLation was nothing short of accurate, the man is describing about how his wife has been abLe to communicate with him, via some LittLe hand signs, and to read his faciaL expressions. The man then aLighted with the chiLd, as the two Ladies bade them goodbye.
My attention was then turned to the other woman, the man's spouse. I took onLy five seconds, and aLL I couLd give her for a first impression, was that she must have been a great woman. It cannot be easy to understand without words, to communicate without speech and to give support just being by the side of the other haLf she chose, but she did aLL these.
Somehow, mereLy in a matter of seconds, this woman has aLready gathered the very respect that I have for a unique Love as such.
This Love is utmost extraordinary worth envying.
NevertheLess, I myseLf have experienced the good feeLing of Love too. Not as remarkabLe, yet simpLe and sweet in the good company of onLy Her.
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