Bumping into an AngeLDecided to take a good waLk downtown right after work .. thus hitched a bus head Orchard. WaLk and waLk I did .. nothing seemed to be interesting coz my feet were damn heavy with the cLumpsy bLack Leather shoes and Im fucking shagged.
Thought Guowei was working today @ Paragon but was not to be. So waLked down Scotts. Then tru the crowd from a distance I saw a gaL trying to convince an Indian coupLe for donation. The Indian man dropped some cash into the box that was strapped across the gaL's abdomen. As I drew cLoser, the Indian coupLe Left and she turned whiLe I Looked at her for a moment and tried to shun away.
The next instance she approached me ..
"Hi Sir .. I'm ******* heLping out at the Sunshine Home ..."
She took out some photos from the side of the rectanguLar box with her and some eLderLy. This gaL was in a typicaL Junior CoLLege sporty Look with a poLo tee and pair of Nike shoes. As she spoke, aLL I can do was to Listen right? And so I did .. no dun get me wrong, I wasnt mesmerised by beauty, but in her I saw one of the most sincere faces ever in my Life. I have met countLess peopLe doing such charity stuff but it was juz a different situation in that particuLar moment. I had to donate, I thought.
For $10 donation I can get to keep a compLimentary pen .. but I toLd her I wiLL give her my shiLLings. I guesz she was probabLy expecting a cent or two but she stiLL smiLed gratefuLLy. As I took out my M&M's mini can where I kept my coins, probabLy she wanted to say it was cute but she kept it in a formaL way. I smiLed and dropped aLL of my coins, totaLLy $2.20.
"Thank you so much, Sir .. good day!"
She continued to approach the passing peopLe .. as I waLked away I turned back and Looked once more.
It was a beautifuL moment to reminiscent.
WhiLe i carried on waLking in front of me was an oLd Lady seLLing tissue. I din hesitate to take out another doLLar for one packet. Funny isnt it? I've never bought any tissue from peopLe on the street before and today .. I juz did.
Having bought a bottLe of drink from 7-eLeven .. I took the same path. She was stiLL there, but of coz, I dun expect her to recognise me, neither did I try to attract any attention. She caLLed out to two MaLay uncLes and waved goodbye. They were cLeaners of that stretch of road. And then she disappeared down the escaLator.
I cant heLp but keep thinking of the photos .. she is happy .. the eLderLy peopLe are too!
This day .. I was touched, deep down.