Today caught a rare weekday movie by Jackie Chan. SupposedLy to be screened on the 29th but Mom had a sure-win Lucky dip days back. So the preview pass ended in my hands *hiak hiak* ..
The 7p.m show was quite rush .. I brought aLong my civiLian cLothes to the army camp but ended up with not enought time to change at aLL!
Okie 4 out of 5 popcorns for this. AdditionaL haLf for the cute baby that starred. I swear I am gonna have a baby boy in time to come.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Window Shopping Marathon
A week in a new environment, another phrase of the NationaL Service. BMT had aLready been history .. now comes unit Life, and aLL I can say is .. it sucks.
After the morning soccer game on this sunny Sunday with bright sunshine, CarL's Junior was next for Lunch with the guys, foLLowed by a waLk around Suntec City, CityLink, WheeLock PLace, Wisma Atria, Takashimaya, HMV, Centrepoint, Orchard Point, PLaza Singapura and back to Takashimaya (for the ONE Bengawan SoLo mooncake) .. sure is good training for the Standard Chartered marathon come 3rd December.
HighLight of the day was bumping into Secondary schooL peeps - Wen Lai (Brunei), Jia Ling and Baoyu. Not once, but twice. WeLL, Orchard Road, what eLse can you expect other than come across famiLiar faces.
Nothing much to jot ..
To bed for now, as aLL of us embark on yet another week, unsurprisingLy doing the same shit for most, praying for something new to happen aLong the week ..
Come wat may ..
A week in a new environment, another phrase of the NationaL Service. BMT had aLready been history .. now comes unit Life, and aLL I can say is .. it sucks.
After the morning soccer game on this sunny Sunday with bright sunshine, CarL's Junior was next for Lunch with the guys, foLLowed by a waLk around Suntec City, CityLink, WheeLock PLace, Wisma Atria, Takashimaya, HMV, Centrepoint, Orchard Point, PLaza Singapura and back to Takashimaya (for the ONE Bengawan SoLo mooncake) .. sure is good training for the Standard Chartered marathon come 3rd December.
HighLight of the day was bumping into Secondary schooL peeps - Wen Lai (Brunei), Jia Ling and Baoyu. Not once, but twice. WeLL, Orchard Road, what eLse can you expect other than come across famiLiar faces.
Nothing much to jot ..
To bed for now, as aLL of us embark on yet another week, unsurprisingLy doing the same shit for most, praying for something new to happen aLong the week ..
Come wat may ..
Monday, September 18, 2006

Lost count when the Last time was that I set foot into a cinema but yesterday I did.
BeLieve me, this is worth $9.50 ..
Had neither cLue nor any idea what this movie was about even as I booked the tickets onLine .. untiL the person who got me to watch this, briefLy toLd me Like 30min before screening?
ALright, it reminded me of peopLe who changed once they stepped foot into the working society. Everyone do not reaLise the drastic change in themseLves untiL things they once had started to vanish LittLe by LittLe. WeLL, maybe thatz juz Life ..
Anyway thankew for the nice evening and sorry for being Late .. again.
To aLL you Ladies out there, pLease spend some time to thank your parents who bore you as a SHE. NationaL Service sucks big time .. With $350 per month, I ain sure how Long more before having to face my financiaL crisis.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
"I Not Stupid 2"
Ok spent a good Saturday on footbaLL and Lotsa cycLing in the rain aLL around Ang Mo Kio estate.
Was good coz years have gone by since the Last time I took a cLoser Look at the pLace where wonderfuL moments of joy were created especiaLLy the ground which I wouLd cLassify as "hoLy" - MayfLower Secondary SchooL.
As I stood outside the same oLd bus stop and peered into the newLy buiLt compound, memories fLowed right inside my head, the oLd metaL gates .. the "gathering" area where we spent our freetime pLaying chapteh and pLastic baLL .. the parade square, and 45-degrees to the right wouLd be the basketbaLL court where the current crop of Messina Greats FootbaLL CLub pLayers were bred. The canteen is another spot of vivid memories .. juz ask the ex-students. The toiLets are yet another pLayground for the boys ; water hose and taps .. and not forgetting the big fire hose that sprays water across up to three cLassrooms Long! This fact is onLy known to my victims.
Now, it is but an open fieLd ..
Those were the days .. bet u had your share of moments too ..
In Singapore, more often than ever is that for progress, the things that you grew up with are sacrificed. Yes, we are aLL growing up ..
Ok spent a good Saturday on footbaLL and Lotsa cycLing in the rain aLL around Ang Mo Kio estate.
Was good coz years have gone by since the Last time I took a cLoser Look at the pLace where wonderfuL moments of joy were created especiaLLy the ground which I wouLd cLassify as "hoLy" - MayfLower Secondary SchooL.
As I stood outside the same oLd bus stop and peered into the newLy buiLt compound, memories fLowed right inside my head, the oLd metaL gates .. the "gathering" area where we spent our freetime pLaying chapteh and pLastic baLL .. the parade square, and 45-degrees to the right wouLd be the basketbaLL court where the current crop of Messina Greats FootbaLL CLub pLayers were bred. The canteen is another spot of vivid memories .. juz ask the ex-students. The toiLets are yet another pLayground for the boys ; water hose and taps .. and not forgetting the big fire hose that sprays water across up to three cLassrooms Long! This fact is onLy known to my victims.
Now, it is but an open fieLd ..
Those were the days .. bet u had your share of moments too ..
In Singapore, more often than ever is that for progress, the things that you grew up with are sacrificed. Yes, we are aLL growing up ..
Friday, September 15, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Five Cents
A good evening footbaLLing session was spent with the usuaL MaLay peeps in Sengkang, on the basketbaLL court Located right beside Audrey's bLock.
As aLways, every good thing has to end, and it was when 10p.m came. Lights off, foLLowed by appLause and praise from everyone. Then I bade goodbye, and the next thing I thought of was to quench my bLoody thirst, with the onLy product that I Like and wouLd drink - NutriSoy's soya miLk (priced $1.05).
I reached for my pouch and dug out the shiLLings .. 3 ten-cents, 1 fifty and a twenty. Fuck, Im short of five cents! The onLy other stuff inside that pouch was my mobiLe phone and bunch of house keys.
I cursed my Luck, or rather, my own foLLy. There were at Least a dozen five cent coins Left on the Living room tabLe before I Left home. It was another case of so-near-yet-so-far .. under the unbearabLe condition of thirst, I started to understand the true vaLue of five cents.
You cannot buy a tee-shirt of $36 if you onLy have $35.95 .. you cannot run a marathon of $75 if you onLy have $74.95 .. and it goes on and on ..
Five cents, that petty puny LittLe goLd coin which never seemed to be of any importance, has since became a respectabLe icon to my Life that night.
This morning .. two hours ago ..
Same shit different day it was. I woke up, turned my computer on, and went to wash up. Looked around the kitchen and there was no more bread. OnLy food Left is instant noodLes and no way am I gonna have that for breakfast ..
So, decided to make a trip to the grocery just buiLdings away. Put on my tee, grabbed a doLLar coin and yes, those five cent coins shouLd make up for the remainder for a Sunshine Loaf of bread.
Out of the house, a short waLk and I am there at the grocery. Picked up the bread .. and advanced proudLy to the storekeeper.
"Auntie, how much (for the bread) ah?"
.. "$1.40"
ProudLy, I took out the shiLLings, counted for a moment, exactLy $1.40, and handed to her.
"Eh Boy ah, sorry hor, Auntie dun accept five cents .."
.. had to waLk to NTUC supermarket instead.
Back to square one with my perception on five cents.
A good evening footbaLLing session was spent with the usuaL MaLay peeps in Sengkang, on the basketbaLL court Located right beside Audrey's bLock.
As aLways, every good thing has to end, and it was when 10p.m came. Lights off, foLLowed by appLause and praise from everyone. Then I bade goodbye, and the next thing I thought of was to quench my bLoody thirst, with the onLy product that I Like and wouLd drink - NutriSoy's soya miLk (priced $1.05).
I reached for my pouch and dug out the shiLLings .. 3 ten-cents, 1 fifty and a twenty. Fuck, Im short of five cents! The onLy other stuff inside that pouch was my mobiLe phone and bunch of house keys.
I cursed my Luck, or rather, my own foLLy. There were at Least a dozen five cent coins Left on the Living room tabLe before I Left home. It was another case of so-near-yet-so-far .. under the unbearabLe condition of thirst, I started to understand the true vaLue of five cents.
You cannot buy a tee-shirt of $36 if you onLy have $35.95 .. you cannot run a marathon of $75 if you onLy have $74.95 .. and it goes on and on ..
Five cents, that petty puny LittLe goLd coin which never seemed to be of any importance, has since became a respectabLe icon to my Life that night.
This morning .. two hours ago ..
Same shit different day it was. I woke up, turned my computer on, and went to wash up. Looked around the kitchen and there was no more bread. OnLy food Left is instant noodLes and no way am I gonna have that for breakfast ..
So, decided to make a trip to the grocery just buiLdings away. Put on my tee, grabbed a doLLar coin and yes, those five cent coins shouLd make up for the remainder for a Sunshine Loaf of bread.
Out of the house, a short waLk and I am there at the grocery. Picked up the bread .. and advanced proudLy to the storekeeper.
"Auntie, how much (for the bread) ah?"
.. "$1.40"
ProudLy, I took out the shiLLings, counted for a moment, exactLy $1.40, and handed to her.
"Eh Boy ah, sorry hor, Auntie dun accept five cents .."
.. had to waLk to NTUC supermarket instead.
Back to square one with my perception on five cents.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Recruit No More
Today was the officiaL Passing Out day. I am now a Private.
It marks the end of the training, and for many of us, it wouLd be the Last time we see one another.
Where therez a start, there'd be an end. But most peopLe dun reaLise that the end is juz the door to a new beginning.
Where do I go from here? I dunnoe .. yet. Gonna take these two weeks for some reLaxation therapy from everything.
Itz surprising to come back home and therez no one ; my parents are in China aLong with my LittLe sis, and my two active brothers are both out to nowhere. WeLL, at Least I have everything for myseLf *grins* ..
Today was the officiaL Passing Out day. I am now a Private.
It marks the end of the training, and for many of us, it wouLd be the Last time we see one another.
Where therez a start, there'd be an end. But most peopLe dun reaLise that the end is juz the door to a new beginning.
Where do I go from here? I dunnoe .. yet. Gonna take these two weeks for some reLaxation therapy from everything.
Itz surprising to come back home and therez no one ; my parents are in China aLong with my LittLe sis, and my two active brothers are both out to nowhere. WeLL, at Least I have everything for myseLf *grins* ..
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Coming to a CLose
And so my B.M.T is ending in Like some days time?! Shit .. Life sure goes past that fast ..
Yea it sure did.
This is, to me, not training to be a soLdier, but an experience to remember. My mates, they were once boys .. and after seven weeks of Living together, they are ... stiLL boys.
WeLL, thatz the main objective of the Singapore Arm Forces for the Pes C - not to train, but to experience.
This week was outstanding!
There was Live range where night firing Looked Like those in Star Wars, route march (8km "waLk" onLy as compared to 24 for the rest), the Games Day and Recruits Evening where we partied aLL night Long.
Being the second fastest man in my company, I was automaticaLLy seLected to run in the Chain of Command. It was an honour to run aLongside my company's commanders .. and good thing did not juz end here ; mayB to some it is but excess weight to their aLready heavy FuLL BattLe Order, but nothing beats being the fLag bearer during the route march waLking aLongside the OveraLL Commander.
I wiLL never forget the moments where my 200-men strong company cheered as I ran for 2oom .. I wiLL never forget being among the eLites of the company even though we're aLL Pes C status .. and I wiLL never forget the peopLe who gave me everything I need to be a better man.
ULysses Co. .. U are the best and off the rest.
******************* END OF ARMY WAYANG-ING **********************
Fuck it .. nothing excites anymore.
Tired .. I need a fresh chaLLenge.
.. and I miz you.
And so my B.M.T is ending in Like some days time?! Shit .. Life sure goes past that fast ..
Yea it sure did.
This is, to me, not training to be a soLdier, but an experience to remember. My mates, they were once boys .. and after seven weeks of Living together, they are ... stiLL boys.
WeLL, thatz the main objective of the Singapore Arm Forces for the Pes C - not to train, but to experience.
This week was outstanding!
There was Live range where night firing Looked Like those in Star Wars, route march (8km "waLk" onLy as compared to 24 for the rest), the Games Day and Recruits Evening where we partied aLL night Long.
Being the second fastest man in my company, I was automaticaLLy seLected to run in the Chain of Command. It was an honour to run aLongside my company's commanders .. and good thing did not juz end here ; mayB to some it is but excess weight to their aLready heavy FuLL BattLe Order, but nothing beats being the fLag bearer during the route march waLking aLongside the OveraLL Commander.
I wiLL never forget the moments where my 200-men strong company cheered as I ran for 2oom .. I wiLL never forget being among the eLites of the company even though we're aLL Pes C status .. and I wiLL never forget the peopLe who gave me everything I need to be a better man.
ULysses Co. .. U are the best and off the rest.
******************* END OF ARMY WAYANG-ING **********************
Fuck it .. nothing excites anymore.
Tired .. I need a fresh chaLLenge.
.. and I miz you.
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