Beach, Babes and (yet another) BurfdayThe Sentosa affair was great; the high five of us turning out on the beach yet being overshadowed by the typicaL hunks and babes.
SurprisingLy, the goLf-cart of the Beach Babes & Hunks contest approached us! Okie .. I guess the two young Ladies needed a mixture of the best and the worst just Like aLL reaLity shows. Thus, I grabbed two scapegoats out of my boys to sign up ..
The Sun was beautifuL .. juz Like the curvy bodies scattered aLL around. Babes, Like I aLways say, is Like TV MobiLe - "Itz Everywhere".
EnjoyabLe fun tanning and frisbie with babe-watching. Datz it for the Sentosa affair.
Late noon, parted ways with the rest and headed for Suntec to coLLect the Long-awaited, for the event-of-the-year, the race pack for the
Singapore Marathon 2006! In exactLy a week, the adrenaLine wiLL rush .. as 30,000 other peopLe wiLL run aLongside me.
Adidas sure is creative. If you guys have been sharp enough, notice the adverts on the marathon with thousands of reasons to
run .. two of which impressed me being "I've aLways Luv guys chasing me .." and the other, "I've put it off Long enough .." The Latter showed the picture of a man kneeLing, proposing to his girL right at the finish Line ..
What is my reason to run? WeLL, first and foremost, to shut some peopLe (who think I'm crazy to run) up. I wiLL compLete the course. SecondLy, I want those behind me to catch me if they can ..
eh! Nahh .. my primary objective, is juz to finish the marathon.Next up was Last minute present-shopping and attending yet another burfday bash at Pasir Ris.
Siqi turns 21 ..
WeiLin brought her 1-haLf year oLd daughter aLong. Her name is Qiqi .. she sees a boy, greeted him "kor kor" .. she sees Siqi's Dad, greeted him "uncLe" .. she sees me .. siLence.
.. I'm stiLL curious about that siLence ..
TiL then, I wiLL be back again.