Sunday, May 20, 2007


Coming aLmost to one haLf of a year in a foreign country now, couLd say Life has been pretty cooL, simpLe yet interesting. Short-term goaLs Like attaining bike and car Licenses and owning a personaL notebook have been compLeted, and there are more to come, with diving and traveLLing (in Taiwan) very much in thoughts after my return from home Leave.

However, right now my own seLf seems Like a broken down vehicLe, stagnant and stiLL. Inside the head, many things, in a mess, which come up to nothing. Nothing to work for, to fight for. Everyday is just as it is.

The onLy comfort, is that I am coming home, man.

Time does not make one forget hurt .. it onLy makes one to get used to not thinking about it ..

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