Gone Going but Legacy LivesYet another batch of training troops have Left the camp, Leaving behind a bLend of mixed feeLings. Itz good, for now I can fuLLy reLax untiL the next ones come by in three months. But at the same time, there wiLL be nobody who speaks the same Language as me tiL then.
The Language .. is what is known as the BeautifuL game, footbaLL.
Everytime peopLe come over to Taiwan, the Language is bound to be spoken between me and them, and through it, a friendship is forged. However, it Lasts onLy for three weeks each and everytime. And as we bade goodbye, we know we wouLd not be seeing one another probabLy for eternity.
I Love the attention and LimeLight on evenings when we pLay the game, when peopLe are aLL watching. I Love peopLe who speak the same common Language as me and who say I am pretty good. Itz my pride to make other peopLe remember that in Taiwan, there is a storeman who can pLay good footbaLL, and that makes me reaLLy motivated and keeps my passion for the game going.
There was an Indian Major who came months back. We had a few games throughout the period of time he was here and I was pretty impressed with his energy LeveL for his age, at forties. Before he Left, he found me, Looked at me in the eyes and shook my hand. He said, 'you are a wonderfuL pLayer .. may god bLess you.' I smiLed and thanked him. This is one moment in my Life I cud never forget, for in his eyes I saw pure sincerity, humiLity and warmth. I was touched.
A simpLe gesture Like that has given me tremendous confidence in this game and no matter how far I go in footbaLL, this man wiLL definiteLy pLay a big roLe in it.
Often, we forgot how easy it is to bring out the best in other peopLe. Everyone has potentiaL in something, and if we ever were to see it, Let those peopLe know, for maybe, they dun reaLise it themseLves.
To one who reads this, remember, you are the best .. and you know it.