Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Many times when things happen that doesnt go your way, you ask why. You ask how come? You ponder. You worry. You get disappointed.

But most of the time, the onLy effective soLution is to accept the fact that it has aLready happened and get on with Life.

PeopLe say things happen for a reason, but itz better the reason be spoken than hidden and Left unsaid. Respect shouLd be given to another human being's choice to do something eLse and support shouLd be Lent and datz what we caLL, care.

No itz not true that in this worLd we Live for ourseLves, coz peopLe who do that wiLL not be happy.

The above are words for a girL I have kept my faith in. We may not be destined to be together, and itz no Longer important for me to pursue anymore. But I stiLL beLieve in you to shine in simpLicity once more. PLease, waLk your Life weLL.

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