Event : Airport crisis exercise
PLace : Heng Chun town LocaL airport
PeopLe : LittLe chiLdren, airport staff, miLitary personneL, firemen, the poLice, nurses, the LoveLy receptionist, Buddhist voLunteers, me .. etc.
Nothing much can be reveaLed about my roLe in this event, but much has been seen, feLt and Learnt out of this, and an experience that is worth being drenched by the firemen! Learnt something known as the 爱心鼓掌 .. you juz need to cLap eLeven times in that famiLiar beat together with the rest.
Moments worth noting are the cute chiLdren as part of the audience, the Buddhist voLunteers who wiLL be the ones to ease the dead souLs, the pretty receptionist who Looks pretty, the firemen who drenched me and a dinner with the airport staff, with the company of endLess booze (LocaL beer).
A naturaL therapy for the souL from exceptionaL warmth of the LocaL peopLe. SimpLy soothing.
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