Thursday, November 08, 2007

Jersey Numbers

In the game of team sports, pLayers are donned in their respective team jerseys so peopLe can differenciate the teams out. Numbers are aLso aLLocated to individuaL pLayers for the main purpose of identity and ease of recognising each and every one of them.

Throughout my footbaLL "pLaying career" since the very beginning, I have had a few sets of jerseys with different numbers on them. Each one of them is chosen for a reason at that point in Life that I Lived in ..

I started out pLaying for two teams; my primary schooL peeps, and the then secondary ones which is presentLy stiLL very much aLive now. PeopLe caLLed me two-headed snake, but you wiLL onLy know what diLemma is Like choosing between your wife and your Mom yet gotta have both.

In the younger years, I was a reaLLy good goaLkeeper. So I stood between the posts for around two years, deciding that numbers 1 and 21 was cooL. However some time Later on, peopLe saw "potentiaL" in me pLaying as an outfieLd pLayer (FYI, outfieLd pLayer is any position other than the goaLkeeping). I reaLised that the number 1 was too stupid to be on a jersey for outfieLd position. Hence, it got out of my Life from the time I was in secondary three. StiLL juggLing in my two teams, the numbers, 11 and 15, came into the equation. 3, 11 and 15 are aLways reserved for the Left wingers of a footbaLL team because they are a unique breed .. it is beLieved you can onLy find one out of every ten pLayers. And that makes me .. unique. (Ok, not very funny ..)

So 1 and 21, gone but not forgotten, I switched to 11 and 15 respectiveLy for each of my team. WeLL from then on, I have enjoyed great deveLopment in my footbaLL pLaying on the Left side of the fieLd. It is where once you receive the baLL, you can say, "I'm free!" .. and then start bringing the baLL past one, two, three or more opponents. It is where you run, run and run and make LoveLy crosses for your strikers to score. It is where you sing Born Free ..

And so I got stuck with these two numbers for aLmost a decade untiL I moved on for number 7 because of two reasons. FirstLy, itz a number LiverpooL Left winger, Harry KeweLL, is wearing. Reason two, itz the same as the first reason.

Now peopLe, pLease jot down the goLden numbers for your next TOTO bet come this weekend. Any winners pLease do share with your inspirer cum friend down here.

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