Thursday, December 27, 2007

The city

Up to this point there is no Longer any eLement of surprise. I have begun waLking on the Land of this sunny isLand. My return to Singapore was a quiet one. No, not that I do not have good frenz, but I chose to make it discreet.

Looking around, everything changes, and everything has changed. The roads, buiLdings, peopLe in appearance. Somehow, I feeL aLienated. For peopLe who are here 24/7, these changes can never be seen coz every day the change is bit by bit.

Orchard road, with the festive period, got buzzing with a huge voLume of crowds. I think I am starting to disLike this kind of atmosphere. Guess I must have become too used to Living in the countryside of Taiwan. WeLL, I do miss the other side. Life is so much more sLow-paced, simpLe and there is aLways space for you to rest your mind. Here in the city, just teLL me, what is everyone waLking so fast for? Is there a rush for some goLd or is the end drawing near?

I seriousLy need to adapt fast or get eLiminated from this city, my home. My home? Ohh yes it is.

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