Tuesday, May 13, 2008

WorLd PopuLation

There are certain facts which depicts how big the worLd is .. and how smaLL our country, or rather, one person, can be.

With reference from DHL commerciaL, there are 88 miLLion peopLe with the surname, Zhang, in China. And it is just Zhang aLone ..

There are 350 miLLion peopLe in India who are cLassified as middLe-cLass. This is bigger than America. And the funny thing is George Bush bLames this for the rise in demand for food, thus causing the prices to hike.

The recent cycLone in Myanmar kiLLed more than 20,000, so much more than the number in my bank account.

The earthquake in China buries 12,000 under rubbLe .. and counting.

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