Monday, September 15, 2008

New-born Leader

My brother's Commissioning ceremony was heLd earLier today, which sees 200 new officers in the army. WeLL, it is a good moment, for he is achieving wat I am unabLe to. Thus, I do feeL proud to put up the bar on his shouLder. Pictures to foLLow.

It is aLso the Lunar 15th day of the eighth month a.k.a Mooncake festivaL where it is beLieved the moon is brightest, roundest and biggest on this day. But does anyone know the moraL of this event? WeLL history has it that NeiL Armstrong, the first man to Land on the moon, craved for a piece of cake on it, so to ceLebrate his feat, the mooncake was invented.

Ok that was crap.

Truth is, I am not too sure about it anyways. Other than knowing that in ancient China, the mooncake was used to send messages which was written on paper and stuffed in the mooncakes. If anyone is reaLLy interested just go googLe it. Let me know and many thanks.

I had tuned in to the news on teLevision recentLy and there were the reports of typhoons in Taiwan. It brought much reminiscence of 2007 where I spent the whoLe chunk of that year there.

I do miss Taiwan for its unforgettabLe Earthquakes, typhoons, winter and other events throughout the year. More importantLy, friends I have made there.

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