The CycLe
You know that the earth cannot be saved from destruction when ..
1. You are recycLing waste paper to print out emaiLs and then you see your coLLeague printing Loads of emaiLs on pure white paper.
2. You waLk with thrash in your hand waiting to bump into a nearest bin and then you see some innocuous passerby dropping a piece of tissue out of nowhere onto the perfectLy-cLean Landscape which is tainted with a bit of white now.
3. You sweat sitting in the office with air-con temperature at 22 degrees ceLsius (no Lower as the company is pro-environmentaL).
4. You sweat hard waLking 100 metres to the nearby shopping maLL for a meaL.
5. You see your pocket burnt .. for no reason and push the bLame on the sun.
On the other hand, you reaLised that the earth can be saved when ...
1. You watch Captain PLanet (the cartoon) on teLevision.
2. You watch Superman at the movies.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Tasmanian DeviL

Description : worLd's Largest surviving marsupiaL carnivore
Status : Listed endangered*
*reports from
One of my chiLdhood favourite characters in Looney Toons, the Tasmanian deviL is unfortunateLy on the verge of extinction. It is however, not reLated to the effects of environmentaL changes. Taz, has contracted with cancer since 1996.

Description : worLd's Largest surviving marsupiaL carnivore
Status : Listed endangered*
*reports from
One of my chiLdhood favourite characters in Looney Toons, the Tasmanian deviL is unfortunateLy on the verge of extinction. It is however, not reLated to the effects of environmentaL changes. Taz, has contracted with cancer since 1996.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
B for Bangkok, M for Moments
And so the trip ended in a fLash, though it was four fuLL days of extraordinary happenings.
I do not have to introduce you any of the hotspots, you guys wouLd have been there done that. But do Let me share with you some of the series of unexpected happenings that came aLong.
1. First and foremost, untiL at the airport did I reaLise that we are going in a group of 9. I did not know that Susy (of whom I onLy knew at the trip) was going.
2. If you think that the first wasnt any big deaL, yes, you are right. It wasnt any big deaL.
3. However, the main gize came when we met Susy's uncLe (staying in ThaiLand) and her brother (from Hongkong), together with her brother's friend (aLso from Hongkong).
4. Thus, that makes a surprise package of 12.
5. Susy's uncLe engaged in a kinky HeLLo Kitty decorated van, which amazed the grown-up girLs and reduced them to excited chiLdren.
6. Throughout the whoLe trip, Susy became our transLator, coordinator, advisor, and manager. You see, she is the onLy one who can communicate in Thai, Cantonese, Chinese and EngLish. Yes, meet Wonder Woman. Fascinating, ain it?
7. For your info, I brought aLong my Latest acquisition, Canon G10. And heLL no, I did not bring my charger. The camera Lasted me for Day 1. Thats it.
StiLL, I managed to capture 50-odd good pictures on this camera.
8. Karin somehow Lost her enveLope of bahts totaLLing more than 250SGD. This is wat happens when women get so concentrated in shopping than their beLongings.
9. We cLubbed at Route 66 on Day 1 .. the rain came, heavy. And sure it was heavy, the whoLe street was fLooded ankLe high. InitiaLLy, we tried to avoid getting wet, but ended up starting a rain war when one pushes another into the "pooL", and a chain reaction got on the way with everyone kicking and spLashing in the rain. And so, on the very first day, I Lost the usage of my shoes and camera for the remaining of the trip.
10. Nothing much about Day 2, except the unforgettabLe "Tiger Show (or Thai GirL as some caLL it)". So random to bump into former PoLy-mate in KeLLy, who I got to know from Students' Union back then. They joined our group for the show, which was agreed with this Man at 100 baht, incLusive of drink and show.
11. So we went up, saw some girLs (girLs?) on the tabLe doing a coupLe stunts with their *beep*. Mind you, they can be reaLLy good wrestLers if they decide to switch trade.
12. We were aLL totaLLy turned off, and I decided to gather them to find a better show. Just then, the Woman stood beside me, showed me a biLL and said "100 baht drink, 200 baht watch show .. pay 300 baht."
13. For once I thought the Woman made a mistake. So I taLked to her niceLy about our negotiation with the Man (earLier). She started yeLLing and never stop staring hard into my eyes. SeriousLy, she must have thought I was a boy and I wouLd have peed inside my pants. But heLL no. In anyways, we reaLised that there wasnt any point in arguing as the whoLe pLace was owned by mafias. So 1 = 300 baht .. 13 x 300 baht = (go do your math).
14. We Left safeLy after paying. But cursed and swear. Another Lady approached and asked "Wanna watch Tiger Show?"
I repLied "Yes we've watched, very nice. Thank you very much .."
300 baht, for an experience and Lesson we wiLL not forget. It sure is a ring at Partpong. SadLy tarnishing the warm image I have of ThaiLand.
15. If Day 2's event seem shiatty, you haven heard of Day 3.
Day 3 was Pattaya Day. We aLLocated it pureLy to this pLace where we expected a beautifuL beach with Loads of water sports and stuff.
We pLayed water-ski, Sunwei tried the para-fLying thingy. And the freaking banana boat ride which absoLuteLy was out to kiLL us aLL. Keep ramming us into the water with sharp turns. WeLL that was reaL shacking to cLimb up the banana boat again and again and again.
However, here comes Bangkok Con stories Part 2.
K.X's ski boat got scratched (and I reaLLy mean, scratched) after getting hit by Karin's. They ended up asking for compensation of 12,000 baht. It wouLd have been equivaLent to about SGD500. Susy's uncLe tried to negotiate for us and we ended up settLing for 7,000 baht.
It was quoted that to repair the ski boat wiLL mean Loss of business. I say its Load of buLLshit.
16. So far, pretty "entertaining" ain it seem?
17. I guess our trip Looks pretty screwed, but that doesnt dampen our moods. We had a strong company of good friends and everyone can be pissed for just one moment but it simpLy disappears in no time.
18. On the finaL day, we had a Tuk-tuk ride, with destination to be Chinatown. MyseLf, MeL, Sunwei and Hong were reaL Lucky enough to ride on one of the most enthusiastic Toot-toot drivers of aLL time.
I did not get his name. But he, represents the good of ThaiLand. ALong the road, he introduces his wife, his chiLdren and shows us his photo aLbum. He points to us the various significant monuments and expLains to us that he wiLL be bringing us to a tourist shop where he can get free coupons for his gas and exchange for DVD pLayer. He was open aLL the whiLe when we were on the Toot-toot.
19. So you see, from a Tuk-tuk driver, I Learn what simpLicity and contentment is. And how easy it is to be happy. Like peopLe aLways say, you dun need to have the best of everything, but you just need to make the best of everything you have.
How true.
20. So my friends, I must say Bangkok is reaLLy fuLL of twists and turns.
21. Nothing much about Chinatown other than a freaking 60 over dishes of Dim-sum we had. Dirt cheap and damn Lots. Eat tiL drop.
22. And so my short story of Bangkok ends at this point.
Pure shopping? Think again, see beyond and experience whatever you have not. Money can never buy such moments.
23. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed experiencing these. Remember, open your heart and feeL ...
Last but not Least, with the upcoming Toto Prize of $5 miLLion, try using some numbers you can find up there.
And so the trip ended in a fLash, though it was four fuLL days of extraordinary happenings.
I do not have to introduce you any of the hotspots, you guys wouLd have been there done that. But do Let me share with you some of the series of unexpected happenings that came aLong.
1. First and foremost, untiL at the airport did I reaLise that we are going in a group of 9. I did not know that Susy (of whom I onLy knew at the trip) was going.
2. If you think that the first wasnt any big deaL, yes, you are right. It wasnt any big deaL.
3. However, the main gize came when we met Susy's uncLe (staying in ThaiLand) and her brother (from Hongkong), together with her brother's friend (aLso from Hongkong).
4. Thus, that makes a surprise package of 12.
5. Susy's uncLe engaged in a kinky HeLLo Kitty decorated van, which amazed the grown-up girLs and reduced them to excited chiLdren.
6. Throughout the whoLe trip, Susy became our transLator, coordinator, advisor, and manager. You see, she is the onLy one who can communicate in Thai, Cantonese, Chinese and EngLish. Yes, meet Wonder Woman. Fascinating, ain it?
7. For your info, I brought aLong my Latest acquisition, Canon G10. And heLL no, I did not bring my charger. The camera Lasted me for Day 1. Thats it.
StiLL, I managed to capture 50-odd good pictures on this camera.
8. Karin somehow Lost her enveLope of bahts totaLLing more than 250SGD. This is wat happens when women get so concentrated in shopping than their beLongings.
9. We cLubbed at Route 66 on Day 1 .. the rain came, heavy. And sure it was heavy, the whoLe street was fLooded ankLe high. InitiaLLy, we tried to avoid getting wet, but ended up starting a rain war when one pushes another into the "pooL", and a chain reaction got on the way with everyone kicking and spLashing in the rain. And so, on the very first day, I Lost the usage of my shoes and camera for the remaining of the trip.
10. Nothing much about Day 2, except the unforgettabLe "Tiger Show (or Thai GirL as some caLL it)". So random to bump into former PoLy-mate in KeLLy, who I got to know from Students' Union back then. They joined our group for the show, which was agreed with this Man at 100 baht, incLusive of drink and show.
11. So we went up, saw some girLs (girLs?) on the tabLe doing a coupLe stunts with their *beep*. Mind you, they can be reaLLy good wrestLers if they decide to switch trade.
12. We were aLL totaLLy turned off, and I decided to gather them to find a better show. Just then, the Woman stood beside me, showed me a biLL and said "100 baht drink, 200 baht watch show .. pay 300 baht."
13. For once I thought the Woman made a mistake. So I taLked to her niceLy about our negotiation with the Man (earLier). She started yeLLing and never stop staring hard into my eyes. SeriousLy, she must have thought I was a boy and I wouLd have peed inside my pants. But heLL no. In anyways, we reaLised that there wasnt any point in arguing as the whoLe pLace was owned by mafias. So 1 = 300 baht .. 13 x 300 baht = (go do your math).
14. We Left safeLy after paying. But cursed and swear. Another Lady approached and asked "Wanna watch Tiger Show?"
I repLied "Yes we've watched, very nice. Thank you very much .."
300 baht, for an experience and Lesson we wiLL not forget. It sure is a ring at Partpong. SadLy tarnishing the warm image I have of ThaiLand.
15. If Day 2's event seem shiatty, you haven heard of Day 3.
Day 3 was Pattaya Day. We aLLocated it pureLy to this pLace where we expected a beautifuL beach with Loads of water sports and stuff.
We pLayed water-ski, Sunwei tried the para-fLying thingy. And the freaking banana boat ride which absoLuteLy was out to kiLL us aLL. Keep ramming us into the water with sharp turns. WeLL that was reaL shacking to cLimb up the banana boat again and again and again.
However, here comes Bangkok Con stories Part 2.
K.X's ski boat got scratched (and I reaLLy mean, scratched) after getting hit by Karin's. They ended up asking for compensation of 12,000 baht. It wouLd have been equivaLent to about SGD500. Susy's uncLe tried to negotiate for us and we ended up settLing for 7,000 baht.
It was quoted that to repair the ski boat wiLL mean Loss of business. I say its Load of buLLshit.
16. So far, pretty "entertaining" ain it seem?
17. I guess our trip Looks pretty screwed, but that doesnt dampen our moods. We had a strong company of good friends and everyone can be pissed for just one moment but it simpLy disappears in no time.
18. On the finaL day, we had a Tuk-tuk ride, with destination to be Chinatown. MyseLf, MeL, Sunwei and Hong were reaL Lucky enough to ride on one of the most enthusiastic Toot-toot drivers of aLL time.
I did not get his name. But he, represents the good of ThaiLand. ALong the road, he introduces his wife, his chiLdren and shows us his photo aLbum. He points to us the various significant monuments and expLains to us that he wiLL be bringing us to a tourist shop where he can get free coupons for his gas and exchange for DVD pLayer. He was open aLL the whiLe when we were on the Toot-toot.
19. So you see, from a Tuk-tuk driver, I Learn what simpLicity and contentment is. And how easy it is to be happy. Like peopLe aLways say, you dun need to have the best of everything, but you just need to make the best of everything you have.
How true.
20. So my friends, I must say Bangkok is reaLLy fuLL of twists and turns.
21. Nothing much about Chinatown other than a freaking 60 over dishes of Dim-sum we had. Dirt cheap and damn Lots. Eat tiL drop.
22. And so my short story of Bangkok ends at this point.
Pure shopping? Think again, see beyond and experience whatever you have not. Money can never buy such moments.
23. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed experiencing these. Remember, open your heart and feeL ...
Last but not Least, with the upcoming Toto Prize of $5 miLLion, try using some numbers you can find up there.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
3 LittLe Things I Appreciate on 5th May
1. Mum's Cake
She bought a cake .. and I onLy reaLised it when I came home at midnight. Everyone was aLready soundLy asLeep. So, I cut the cake on my own.
2. WiLLiam's NoodLe Soup
As normaL, we had our supper at the coffeeshop. WiLLiam ordered an additionaL NoodLe Soup just for me on my speciaL day. (But I have aLready eaten one fuLL pLate of fried rice)
3. Wai Keat's Doraemon Cake
My coLLeague at the community cLub who gave me a pLeasant surprise when one moment he found out about my birthday, and the next, he was there with a cake for me. WouLd have faLLen for him deep if I were an the opposite sex.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
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