Thursday, May 07, 2009

3 LittLe Things I Appreciate on 5th May

1. Mum's Cake
She bought a cake .. and I onLy reaLised it when I came home at midnight. Everyone was aLready soundLy asLeep. So, I cut the cake on my own.

2. W
iLLiam's NoodLe Soup
As normaL, we had our supper at the coffeeshop. WiLLiam ordered an additionaL NoodLe Soup just for me on my speciaL day. (But I have aLready eaten one fuLL pLate of fried rice)

3. Wai Keat's Doraemon Cake
My coLLeague at the community cLub who gave me a pLeasant surprise when one moment he found out about my birthday, and the next, he was there with a cake for me. WouLd have faLLen for him deep if I were an the opposite sex.


neMuiyo said...

U can wear short sleeve to work? Hahah u still can fall in love with him even if he is opposite sex =) U never knows!

Long said...

Ehh .. possibLe.

But not me. Hahah ..