Thursday, May 28, 2009

The CycLe

You know that the earth cannot be saved from destruction when ..

1. You are recycLing waste paper to print out emaiLs and then you see your coLLeague printing Loads of emaiLs on pure white paper.

2. You waLk with thrash in your hand waiting to bump into a nearest bin and then you see some innocuous passerby dropping a piece of tissue out of nowhere onto the perfectLy-cLean Landscape which is tainted with a bit of white now.

3. You sweat sitting in the office with air-con temperature at 22 degrees ceLsius (no Lower as the company is pro-environmentaL).

4. You sweat hard waLking 100 metres to the nearby shopping maLL for a meaL.

5. You see your pocket burnt .. for no reason and push the bLame on the sun.

On the other hand, you reaLised that the earth can be saved when ...

1. You watch Captain PLanet (the cartoon) on teLevision.

2. You watch Superman at the movies.

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