Friday, December 17, 2004
Expo HaLL 4
Im starting to pick up the joy of my Life .. fuLL of ups and downs but for now itz going up and beautifuLLy. They say u gotta go tru shit first to enjoy Later, and boy am I gLad it was true.
Having been working day in and out @ the Expo Like a zombie, mayB itz unfair dat I came to reaLise to take things more positiveLy a bit Late. Guesz working is aLL about attitude and mentaLity. U can hate everything for aLL u wan, but at da end of da day, u stiLL gotta go tru it. Therefore itz better to take da best out of the worst. SadLy I have onLy a few days Left on tis job .. coz da Robinsons Xmas Fair is ending ..
For da past few days, I spent time Looking at aLL da amazing toys dat I haven reLi been paying attention to at da store. Two weeks, and itz onLy now dat I tink they are fabuLous! I met a coupLe of my schooL peeps working there too .. and we chat a bit about their Lives and mine. WeLL, I sure open up and Learnt quite a bit .. to take things more easy and Look at stuff frm a different dimension. Tru aLL da conversations, there are some vaLuabLe Lessons in which I reLi thank them for sharing, and it sure made me a much happier and better man .. Dear, be proud, coz I am starting to appreciate u more .. =D
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