Thursday, March 31, 2005
Never Be RepLaced
Okie guys, with compLiments from Tiffany, the originaL titLe and Lyrics are as foLLow, my apoLogies for the poor sense of Listening I have ..
Never Be Replaced
Baby I love you and i'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
I love you yes i do
I'll be with you as long as you want me too
Until the end of time
From the day I met you I know we've be together
And now I know I wanna be with you forever
I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids
Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses
I can say i'm truly happy to the same
You've made me think I'll die and live my life hesitate
There's never been no doubt in my mind
That i'll regret ever having you by my side
But if the day come that i'll have to let you go
I think that something I should probadly let you know
With everything that i spent with you
Then i will miss you cuz i'm happy that i have you at all
[Repeat Chorus]
I feel for you yes i do
I'll be with you as long as you want me to
Until the end of time
.. there goes, and on the eve of me and my better haLf's 6-month anniversary, I'd Like to juz wish ourseLves and everyone a Happy ApriL FooL's Day! Happy kidding ..
Monday, March 28, 2005
Heard a song over Kenn & Tiff's bLog which I took 30 minutes to write out the Lyrics .. and itz not yet compLeted. Sweet song it is .. wouLd appreciate if anyone can heLp me compLete it :
Baby I Luv u, and I'LL Never Let U Go ..
But if i have to , gaL I tink that U shud know
ALL the Luv We made, can never be erased
And I promise U that U wiLL never be repLaced
I Luv U yes I do
I'LL be with U as Long as U want me to
UntiL the end of time
From the day I met U I knew We'd be together
And now I know I wanna be with U forever
I wanna marry U
And I wanna have kids
Thinking never compare to the feeLing of kisses
I can say Im trueLy happy tiL this day
U make me tink I better Live my Life everyday
There'd never been a doubt in my mind
That I'd Regret Never Have U By My side
But if a day comes that I have to Let u go
I tink there's something I shud probabLy Let U know
I'LL be with u as Long as you want me to .. untiL .. the end .. of time.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Hanging In The BaLance
This particuLar week has been a reLi different week as compared to the months I've been passing for quite some time. It was quite miserabLe and confusing for me with Her not teLLing me the reason behind it untiL juz days back. Itz aLL for my good .. I know ..
MayB time has come for us to move on to a new stage in this reLationship, that we have to Learn to be more independent and not reLy on each other so much, or rather, me to Learn being Less dependent on Her for most of the time, aLL the time. This week, however, we met Less. She spent most of Her time catching up with Her peeps and me, drowining myseLf in footbaLL every evening in Sengkang. It sure was difficuLt. NevertheLess, we had outings .. to Ubin, to Guoann's burfday gathering in J.B, and juz today, She accompanied me to my footbaLL match.
Life hasnt been pretty straight without Her. I simpLy missed Her. I dunnoe how She's feeLing inside, but guesz it had to be done sooner or Later.
WeLL, the Ubin trip definiteLy Lifted much of my depression. CycLing sure was fun! And going to J.B, with Her mixing with my peeps, wat more can I ask for than be happy?
This morning was one I have been Looking forward to since earLy March. The League begins today, and for quite some time I've been pondering about some issues. I decide that I wiLL pLay my finaL match and hang up my boots. Itz a big decision, and I know the team wiLL soreLy miss me as a pLayer and a fren, but some things are beyond my controL. But guys, I promise once I stabiLise and sort out my Life, I wiLL get back and render my passion and 100% to the team again.
This morning, Dear went down with me for the match. We met up at Lavendar, with Kenneth coming down to give us a Lift there. The match went great for the team. We won the match 4-2, and I am of coz over the moon to score which wud be my first and Last goaLs in this match and probabLy the League. I haven had so much emotions in a match for quite some time and with Her by the side watching me, I juz wished time wud come to a standstiLL. Kenneth had been quite disappointed that Tiffany was giving the match a miss, but Tiff came down anyway, and I beLieve Kenneth has found a true good gaL. My Dear, She, faced the sun for as much as two hours. She is to attend a wedding dinner Later in the evening, and yet She took time off Her sLeep juz to come down and watch me pLay. Of coz everything dat She's done for me, I do appreciate from the bottom of my heart.
At the end of the match, I tried hard to contain the bitterness down my throat. Yongren, as the captain, asked if I'd Like to give a "speech" and I juz shook my head. I know if I open my mouth, I cudnt hide my tears anymore. FootbaLL, sure is my Life, but sorry, my beLoved footbaLL, as much as I do Luv u, u cant compLete my Life Like wat my Dear can do.
Afternoon, me and Her went to buy a pair of heeLs, did Her hair. KanDi met us up for he had wanted to get some strings for his girLfren in U.S. He foLLowed us for most of the noon and after I was done with preparing my Dear for the wedding dinner, we bade goodbye and the rest of the time, I spent it with my aLL-time buddy, KanDi.
For those who know him, cooL, he is stiLL the same bLack shit u guys have seen. For those who haven, this guy is made in china, but he ain fair Like typicaL country pumpkins. For years now, this has been one of the worLd's greatest wonders. Anyway me and him spent a good two hour shopping-cum-catchup session which we haven been doing for ages, and I reLi meant .. ages. Both of us have greatLy matured into men, with the exception that he, was faster. Dun get the wrong idea, we have never been gays.
As 5p.m approaches, I was to be down in Tampines for another footbaLL match. This time, itz an invitation from Said, a Sengkang MaLay guy who I knew pLaying with. Few MaLays wud have been impressed with a Chinese, aLtou I ain the best, I knew he does admire me, and I Like peopLe who admire me.
Reaching the venue of East View secondary, my mood was upbeat despite coming against the drizzLe aLong my way. The pitch there, was packed with MaLays, and the team I was to pLay for, are aLL MaLays too. Opponents, MaLays. I was the onLy chinese out of the fifty-odd peopLe around. However, I feLt reLi comfortabLe and confident about everything. For the first time, I took on a defensive midfieLder roLe. As the match kicked off, I had troubLe adjusting to the pace of the MaLays, they were much more aggressive and faster. But as the game moved on, I made good contributions. At the end of the match which ended in a 1-1 draw, my team mates recognised me as the "hardman". FrankLy speaking, tackLing and winning the baLL from the opponent pLayer and seeing them sprawL on the grass was a thriLL. It simpLy boosts my confidence. After washup and everything, I was one of the Last to Leave, and one player from my team managed to waLk me out and we had a good conversation. He was 34, and he keeps the jerseys, shorts and socks of the whoLe team. I din reaLise he was dat oLd, and dat he brought aLong his wife, his four kids, and his mother-in-Law for the match which were waLking right in front of us. He was a typicaL MaLay famiLy man, and it made me see and feeL dat MaLays have a speciaL bond so cLose in which no other race in Singapore cud be, even chinese. And Im gLad I got to know more peopLe in footbaLL .. though I was stiLL tinking of Her no matter how much footbaLL I was pLaying.
FYI, my Dear, I do know itz for my own good dat u try to see me Less. I do know itz quite hard on u as weLL. I do know dat everything dat u've done for me, is coz u Luv me. I do miss u .. and trust me, I wiLL take tis time off to be more independent. Between now and then, do be happy ..
by the way, I wiLL never forget our Promise ..
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Monday, March 21, 2005
Saturday, March 19, 2005
China reaL BLack
Today, Friday, was the Last day of skooL for many Year 3's students and it seemed Like I have Lost another batch of frenz. NevertheLess, it was a good day for it was aLso da Last paper my Dear was taking and everything was cooL. After her morning paper, we were supposedLy to visit Expo for the Adidas saLe. There when we were, once we saw the queue we had no second thoughts about turning back, and on our way out, we met Audrey and her Mom, who were there for the saLe as weLL. So off we went, and they, into the queue. SIngaporeans are juz .. Singaporeans, with respect to Aud and Mom.
We went downtown in da Late afternoon for dinner, which ain reLi enjoyabLe coz once again I made Her mad. Thing din take Long to resume normaL and we took a LittLe waLk around Orchard, meeting so many NYPians aLong da way! Anyway, Dear went on to meet up ceLebrating Her fren's burfday in Tampines whiLe I went to ChinabLack (for the first time) with my peeps.
It was onLy when they arrived dat I reaLised this day beLonged to Zhanrong, being his BIG 21. Thus, me being in a diLemma earLier on, had no excuse not to enter the freaking heLL (as Guowei had warned about the hazards of ChinabLack). We went in before ten, and with the sign "Men $18" at the door, I am stiLL hesitating as to whether I shud reLi enter and thankfuLLy it was $12 instead. Up we went, and it wasnt reLi that awesome or wat, juz a simpLe dancefLoor with tabLes and babes.
Wat happened next was unbeLievabLe.
We decided to go out breathe some fresh air and grab a bit across da road @ Burger King's. And when we went back for ChinabLack an hour Later, we had to rejoin the queue and damn, we got stuck outside due to fuLL house. There I was thinking, wat the fish! Paying 12 bucks for a mere sightsee of BLack is reLi dayLight or night time robbery! But who cares .. my Baby caLLed and said She'd be coming down and I was so reLieved She "saved" me from the freaking queue and I Left my peeps .. and Left the cheaterbug pLace .. It has to be the first, and Last for me ..
Tip when going ChinabLack :
If uer going in juz to chiLL out, dun ever come out. If you do, forget about going in again.
In Layman's term, make sure u go earLy and stick ur ass inside unLess u decide to head home.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
The Dream
Had a weird dream two nights ago dat I had straightaway toLd my Dear when I woke up .. it ain a foLLow-up of Guowei's dream but it juz happened ..
I was in this grand hoteL in a strange pLace whereby down there aLong da two sides of da wide paths were shophouses which Looked Like those in Europe. Night it was. When I arrived at my fLoor, heard a man caLL me out "Long!" .. and I dun recognise this man other than he Looked Like some Turkish man and as I passed by his room, there were Lots of peopLe inside, which I beLieve to be his famiLy members. As I approached mine, Dear was there by the door, and as I entered, my Mom was Lying in bed which was Located in the kitchen, with some other peeps inside my room as weLL. Da whoLe pLace was Like some refugee camp or something. Standing by the window I Looked down upon the shophouses .. it was aLL peacefuL, with peopLe waLking around. But out of the "protected" zone of our hoteL and shophouses were destruction, with taLL buiLdings in ruins and boLts of fire in the horizon.
I can vividLy remember taking a waLk next with my Dear aLong the shophouses which stretches down to an end whereby we come to the sea, and across dat sea in a distance, I cud see darkness, isLands, burning and fires. Two fLags stood, one which I recognise as the Soviet Union's, and the other, I have no idea of .. it was after which I woke up, even though I wished for a continuation of the dream, for it may Lead me to yet another discovery.
The Last time i dreamt about war years back, it happened. I toLd da guys about it but they brushed it off. It was regarding the Iraq war. I had dreamt about a Land of destruction and burning, and saw more pLanes and bombings. After months, the U.S actuaLLy declared war on Iraq.
Some phrophetic dream, or issit juz coincidence? I Leave u guys to decide .. tiL then take care, and may worLd peace reLi exists.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
FooL Again
Friday was sure a bad day. Why? FirstLy, I got back my Business Finance overaLL grading and it was a pathetic C as compared to my Baby's A*. Of coz, in da cLasz nobody eLse can compete with Her, as Rahman and Eric had said to consoLe me, but it was a fact dat Im juz Lousy, and dat brought my day down, even though Dear said I did fine, and dat She ain bothered dat I have Lousier resuLts than Her.
Da next BIG thing dat befeLL, was hours Later .. Dear was having Japanese cLasz, and so I foLLowed Eric and Harry to buy soccer boots, whiLe some others went Sim Lim to buy mp3. UnexpectedLy She had gonna be finishing Her cLasz earLier and dat I toLd Her I'd be back to skooL straight after da boots shopping .. after which I thought it shud be aLright if I went to have Rochor beancurd with da guys, and so I went, and I took away one for Her as weLL. But it was a wrong move next, dat I took off with da guys to Sim Lim to join da rest, without even teLLing Her. WeLL, I can understand dat da fauLt Lies with me.
So, da next moment I rushed back to skooL, but it sure was a Long way, needing to waLk to Bugis MRT and then switching @ City HaLL before a LittLe stroLL from Yio Chu Kang into our campus. But I took a mere haLf past an hour to do dat, sure was fast .. but useLess ..
I found Her in da computer Lab, with da beancurd in my hand, stiLL warm .. She said She ain gonna eat, and din wanna see me. SO I got our fren to pass Her da beancurd. Da next thing I knew, da beancurd was in da dustbin. So I picked it up, and went down to da Lecture HaLL to find Her .. and pLeading for forgiveness outside da Ladies' washroom .. but She stiLL wun give in and as we approached da Lecture HaLL, I saw two of our frenz and She turned towards them and so I waLked away .. again ..
After a moment I went to da Lecture HaLL again. This was where da drama began, with so many of our peers around. Juz by da door I tried expLaining everything and things were going fine .. untiL I made a fucking mistake .. I dragged Eric in! And She suddenLy shouted dat Im very irritating .. my patience seriousLy ran out .. da beancurd dropped and I kicked it and waLked off with Her storming into da Lecture theatre.
Looking back, I beLieve me and Dear shud have coLLected quite some cash for our show, for da peeps were aLL watching and quite surprised too! WeLL, sorry Eric .. u were right at the epidemic of da disaster and Im sorry for aLL who have seen such an ugLy side of us ..
We patched up in Less than ten minutes, after I bought Her favourite watermeLon and sat right next to Her during da Lecture. Though I muz say it wun have been easy if not for Her giving in to me .. again ..
However Let me teLL u da irony of da whoLe bLoody incident .. in da computer Lab She was aLready gonna give in untiL I asked a fren to pass da beancurd to Her and waLked off, thus da beancurd Landed right in da bin. Next, at da Ladies', She had wanted to say something to me but I waLked away after She turned and there goes .. Then at da Lecture HaLL She had prepared to drop da whoLe case untiL I puLLed Eric in it and thus She Lost Her cooL, and me, my patience .. wat bad Luck ..
Anyway it was heLL of a reLi siLLy bout .. and to aLL da peeps .. thanks for watching. We do hope you enjoyed da show brought to you by yet another quaLity production from JLNPY Media Ltd.
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