Twenty-four hours ago ..
Me to Drey (on MSN) : gd nite!
.. one sentence and then I Logged off ..
Minutes ago ..
Drey to Me : hey nites ..
.. one sentence, and then she Logged off ..
CooL huh?
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Two days back, on Friendster, I received a surprise friend request from EiLeen, a store manager during my good oLd days in adidas* ..
For those who know me weLL, you wouLd know it was the perfect job for myseLf, having been a foLLower of this renown brand for ages. That period of time working with those wonderfuL peeps was, by far, the most enjoyabLe moment in my Life. EiLeen was one of those of whom I had a great reLationship with as a coLLeague, sister and at times Like a mother because in retaiLing, u spend more time in the store than at home.
Anyways it was a LittLe gLoomy to hear that she is resigning to pursue a new chaLLenge eLsewhere out of the Tiny Red Dot ; first to Dubai, then to MeLbourne. On the other hand, I shouLd be happy for her, aLthough it makes returning to adidas for me in a year Less probabLe now, with more famiLiar faces gone.
As NeLLy Furtado sang " .. fLames to dust .. Lovers to frenz .. aLL good things come to end .." What in this worLd does not end? U juz gotta capture whatever opportunity is right in front of you that comes, and create wonderfuL moments as you Live it.
.. aLright I suddenLy got reminded about another incident @ Taipei Mac's .. weLL then, I shaLL name this post ..
Words Speak Louder Than Actions
One fine day we found ourseLves in the Daye Takashimaya of Taipei. Hunger struck me at some time near evening, but since we're heading to the famous ShiLin Night market in a matter of two hours, we decided to grab a bite at Macs. ALas, aLL the seats were taken up .. and then we had to wait tiL someone Leaves ..
Minutes passed .. it was then I spotted a coupLe finishing their Last sip of drink and picking up their shopping bags. As swift as a cobra .. I doubLed my steps across, with eyes fixed on the seat. SuddenLy a voice came 45-degrees to my Left rear .. "Ehh! There's a tabLe over there!"
.. in a spLit second I changed my direction and stood by one side, pretending to be stiLL Looking around whiLe the Lady trottLed past me to the vacant tabLe, with her young son and husband foLLowing right behind.
What say you about my titLe? Make sense ain it?
It took us another 15 minutes before finaLLy settLing down our weary feet.
Two days back, on Friendster, I received a surprise friend request from EiLeen, a store manager during my good oLd days in adidas* ..
For those who know me weLL, you wouLd know it was the perfect job for myseLf, having been a foLLower of this renown brand for ages. That period of time working with those wonderfuL peeps was, by far, the most enjoyabLe moment in my Life. EiLeen was one of those of whom I had a great reLationship with as a coLLeague, sister and at times Like a mother because in retaiLing, u spend more time in the store than at home.
Anyways it was a LittLe gLoomy to hear that she is resigning to pursue a new chaLLenge eLsewhere out of the Tiny Red Dot ; first to Dubai, then to MeLbourne. On the other hand, I shouLd be happy for her, aLthough it makes returning to adidas for me in a year Less probabLe now, with more famiLiar faces gone.
As NeLLy Furtado sang " .. fLames to dust .. Lovers to frenz .. aLL good things come to end .." What in this worLd does not end? U juz gotta capture whatever opportunity is right in front of you that comes, and create wonderfuL moments as you Live it.
.. aLright I suddenLy got reminded about another incident @ Taipei Mac's .. weLL then, I shaLL name this post ..
Words Speak Louder Than Actions
One fine day we found ourseLves in the Daye Takashimaya of Taipei. Hunger struck me at some time near evening, but since we're heading to the famous ShiLin Night market in a matter of two hours, we decided to grab a bite at Macs. ALas, aLL the seats were taken up .. and then we had to wait tiL someone Leaves ..
Minutes passed .. it was then I spotted a coupLe finishing their Last sip of drink and picking up their shopping bags. As swift as a cobra .. I doubLed my steps across, with eyes fixed on the seat. SuddenLy a voice came 45-degrees to my Left rear .. "Ehh! There's a tabLe over there!"
.. in a spLit second I changed my direction and stood by one side, pretending to be stiLL Looking around whiLe the Lady trottLed past me to the vacant tabLe, with her young son and husband foLLowing right behind.
What say you about my titLe? Make sense ain it?
It took us another 15 minutes before finaLLy settLing down our weary feet.
Monday, February 26, 2007

.. ohh did I forget to mention that during the whoLe tour in Taipei, we were running street by street to find vegetarian meaLs for the sake of the presence of a "sow" in the trio? But again, I find it absoLuteLy chaLLenging ..
Sunday, February 25, 2007
End of the Taipei Rendezvous
For the first time since dunnoe when, I feLt so rejuvenated after the hoLiday in Taipei. ProbabLy itz becoz of the company of these two crazy gaLs, WY & PL .. or maybe itz juz the Chinese New Year festive period mood.
Since day one untiL the fifth .. the three of us stuck together aLL the time and I muz say they are so Lucky to have me!
Why? Juz ask them ..
Anyways, there is this NationaL Park in Taipei known as Yangmingshan. It was where I Learnt very important Lessons. The three of us cLimbed thousands of steep steps up the mountain and these two gaLs .. haiyo .. Even an oLd man was so much more determined to conquer the peak. So, I Left them behind to go aLL the way up and snap two photos before running down to meet them again. It reaLLy wasnt easy, so cannot bLame them La .. but once u reach the top, u wiLL reaLise every step that u cLimbed was worthwhiLe, coz the view was amazing! So u can say we Learn that success comes with sheer determination.
Then, we waLked aLL the way back. This PL ah .. stiLL dare to ask me whether it is the same route where we came from. Kaoz .. another Lesson Learnt .. no matter how high u cLimb, never forget where u came from ..
University students reaLLy got a Lot to Learn!
For the first time since dunnoe when, I feLt so rejuvenated after the hoLiday in Taipei. ProbabLy itz becoz of the company of these two crazy gaLs, WY & PL .. or maybe itz juz the Chinese New Year festive period mood.
Since day one untiL the fifth .. the three of us stuck together aLL the time and I muz say they are so Lucky to have me!
Why? Juz ask them ..
Anyways, there is this NationaL Park in Taipei known as Yangmingshan. It was where I Learnt very important Lessons. The three of us cLimbed thousands of steep steps up the mountain and these two gaLs .. haiyo .. Even an oLd man was so much more determined to conquer the peak. So, I Left them behind to go aLL the way up and snap two photos before running down to meet them again. It reaLLy wasnt easy, so cannot bLame them La .. but once u reach the top, u wiLL reaLise every step that u cLimbed was worthwhiLe, coz the view was amazing! So u can say we Learn that success comes with sheer determination.
Then, we waLked aLL the way back. This PL ah .. stiLL dare to ask me whether it is the same route where we came from. Kaoz .. another Lesson Learnt .. no matter how high u cLimb, never forget where u came from ..
University students reaLLy got a Lot to Learn!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Taipei, The HosteL and Two LoveLy Ladies
These few days in Taipei couLdnt have been any fun-nier without the two good frenz from Singapore - Wingyan and Peiling (speLt smaLL "L" by speciaL request). From day one, we waLked through vaLLeys, cLimbed across mountains and swam through rivers .. in short, we traveLLed for miLes, aLright forget the vaLLeys and mountains or rivers.
Shopping and sightseeing is wat we've been doing. But more interestingLy, is the exposure of us as Singaporeans to the rest of the worLd.
The hosteL we are currentLy staying in, houses internationaLs from Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and so on, thus EngLish was the common Language used. As much as the others thought highLy upon Singaporeans' standard of EngLish, they muz have never been so wrong in their Lives. I taLked to the German in normaL EngLish, yes, he understands sometimes, got bLur most of the time. No it ain him, I know.
The EngLish essent of typicaL Singaporean sux big time. In contrast with writing whereby 90% of us can express so wonderfuLLy weLL, our speech Lacks emotions! Imagine urseLf taLking to a caucasian .. weLL I wun say uer bound to turn him/her off, but unLess uer brought up speaking EngLish, u are so dead .. and the conversation wiLL juz switch off in Less than ten sentences.
Juz a coupLe of hours ago, I got out of this teeny room of mine in the hosteL and bumped into the Hong Kong gaL for the first time in the hosteL Living room. Ok she cant speak much Chinese, but at Least the frequency was better and she couLd understand my gestures Like I couLd to her. But .. aLas, as much as I wanted to taLk more, I was restricted by my priority action .. to borrow Laptop from Wingyan from the gaLs' room. Darn!
And so here I am .. trying to jot down the so-many-interesting-facts-of-a-Singaporean's-Life to u peopLe back home.
ALright with regards to today's happenings, we went to the Taipei Zoo. In the zoo, it was separated into sections of the animaLs' origins. As we went tru the whoLe zoo, there was nothing different about the animaLs other than their shape and size. ALL of them .. are caged .. deprived of freedom and wouLd most probabLy never get to see the sunrise of the AustraLian or sunset of the Amazon. Even if they are, by any miracLe, to be reLeased into the wiLd again, can they reaLLy adapt to survive? Predators Like the Lion, tiger .. wouLd probabLy have no idea how to hunt (again) ..
Then again, Singaporeans are the same. Eat, sLeep, work day in day out for most part of their Lives and probabLy Lose the passion to improve the quaLity of Life, becoming so much Like a waLking mechanism.
And so, that probabLy answers why EngLish is so god damn duLL in speech. Aiyah, watever La. Therez no need to force sLang since we're not angmoh .. Letz juz be proud of our very own - SingLish ..
Dun pLay pLay ehh.
These few days in Taipei couLdnt have been any fun-nier without the two good frenz from Singapore - Wingyan and Peiling (speLt smaLL "L" by speciaL request). From day one, we waLked through vaLLeys, cLimbed across mountains and swam through rivers .. in short, we traveLLed for miLes, aLright forget the vaLLeys and mountains or rivers.
Shopping and sightseeing is wat we've been doing. But more interestingLy, is the exposure of us as Singaporeans to the rest of the worLd.
The hosteL we are currentLy staying in, houses internationaLs from Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and so on, thus EngLish was the common Language used. As much as the others thought highLy upon Singaporeans' standard of EngLish, they muz have never been so wrong in their Lives. I taLked to the German in normaL EngLish, yes, he understands sometimes, got bLur most of the time. No it ain him, I know.
The EngLish essent of typicaL Singaporean sux big time. In contrast with writing whereby 90% of us can express so wonderfuLLy weLL, our speech Lacks emotions! Imagine urseLf taLking to a caucasian .. weLL I wun say uer bound to turn him/her off, but unLess uer brought up speaking EngLish, u are so dead .. and the conversation wiLL juz switch off in Less than ten sentences.
Juz a coupLe of hours ago, I got out of this teeny room of mine in the hosteL and bumped into the Hong Kong gaL for the first time in the hosteL Living room. Ok she cant speak much Chinese, but at Least the frequency was better and she couLd understand my gestures Like I couLd to her. But .. aLas, as much as I wanted to taLk more, I was restricted by my priority action .. to borrow Laptop from Wingyan from the gaLs' room. Darn!
And so here I am .. trying to jot down the so-many-interesting-facts-of-a-Singaporean's-Life to u peopLe back home.
ALright with regards to today's happenings, we went to the Taipei Zoo. In the zoo, it was separated into sections of the animaLs' origins. As we went tru the whoLe zoo, there was nothing different about the animaLs other than their shape and size. ALL of them .. are caged .. deprived of freedom and wouLd most probabLy never get to see the sunrise of the AustraLian or sunset of the Amazon. Even if they are, by any miracLe, to be reLeased into the wiLd again, can they reaLLy adapt to survive? Predators Like the Lion, tiger .. wouLd probabLy have no idea how to hunt (again) ..
Then again, Singaporeans are the same. Eat, sLeep, work day in day out for most part of their Lives and probabLy Lose the passion to improve the quaLity of Life, becoming so much Like a waLking mechanism.
And so, that probabLy answers why EngLish is so god damn duLL in speech. Aiyah, watever La. Therez no need to force sLang since we're not angmoh .. Letz juz be proud of our very own - SingLish ..
Dun pLay pLay ehh.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
ReLeasing of Kong-ming Lanterns, a simpLe get-together steamboat dinner and astonishing fireworks dispLay is what is going on right here where I am ..
ALLow me to introduce, if u haven heard of .. the Kong-ming Lantern. It originates from China and is a Lantern that works Like a hotair baLLoon. Legend has it that u make ur wish by writing on it and then Lit it up and reLease it up the sky and the "gods" wiLL grant it. For the first time, minutes ago, I was amazed .. Like a LittLe boy. It was 他妈的 BEAUTIFUL!
In juz hours, you guys shouLd be seeing ur aunties, uncLes, cousins, grandies bLah bLah .. do enjoy the moment and to the younger peeps, have a great angbao reaping time!
Happy Lunar New Year to the peopLe they caLL Sons of the Dragon.
ReLeasing of Kong-ming Lanterns, a simpLe get-together steamboat dinner and astonishing fireworks dispLay is what is going on right here where I am ..
ALLow me to introduce, if u haven heard of .. the Kong-ming Lantern. It originates from China and is a Lantern that works Like a hotair baLLoon. Legend has it that u make ur wish by writing on it and then Lit it up and reLease it up the sky and the "gods" wiLL grant it. For the first time, minutes ago, I was amazed .. Like a LittLe boy. It was 他妈的 BEAUTIFUL!
In juz hours, you guys shouLd be seeing ur aunties, uncLes, cousins, grandies bLah bLah .. do enjoy the moment and to the younger peeps, have a great angbao reaping time!
Happy Lunar New Year to the peopLe they caLL Sons of the Dragon.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Home .. Away
Hearts FootbaLL CLub 1 vs 2 Messina Greats FootbaLL Club
Geez .. I sure made you guys Look BIG! But it sure is the most important resuLt (not even LiverpooL's) I Look forward to week in week out. WeLL done, feLLow Greats!
Anyway, today is yet another Bon-voyage Day for end-of-tour personaL, CorporaL Jason Poon and 1st Sergeant Mike Chin. Au revoir .. it had been good company. For dozens of others, its home Leave period. You can see on each and everyone, deLightfuL faces. WeLL, that is just normaL. And so .. this wiLL be an empty camp with a few souLs throughout the festive month of February. Guess the onLy activity to occupy my time wouLd be the daiLy practicaL driving in town, or, to consider the invitation by the two missionaries from America to attend church service.
In this town, day in and out, you see these two young men, one Caucasian, another ABC, on their bicycLes in white shirt and bLack pants. The first time I saw them, I mistook them as postmen. It was not untiL today that I struck a conversation with them, but I know I can never beLieve in the existence of "god". Science is stiLL the LogicaL expLanation of the beginning and everything
Hearts FootbaLL CLub 1 vs 2 Messina Greats FootbaLL Club
Geez .. I sure made you guys Look BIG! But it sure is the most important resuLt (not even LiverpooL's) I Look forward to week in week out. WeLL done, feLLow Greats!
Anyway, today is yet another Bon-voyage Day for end-of-tour personaL, CorporaL Jason Poon and 1st Sergeant Mike Chin. Au revoir .. it had been good company. For dozens of others, its home Leave period. You can see on each and everyone, deLightfuL faces. WeLL, that is just normaL. And so .. this wiLL be an empty camp with a few souLs throughout the festive month of February. Guess the onLy activity to occupy my time wouLd be the daiLy practicaL driving in town, or, to consider the invitation by the two missionaries from America to attend church service.
In this town, day in and out, you see these two young men, one Caucasian, another ABC, on their bicycLes in white shirt and bLack pants. The first time I saw them, I mistook them as postmen. It was not untiL today that I struck a conversation with them, but I know I can never beLieve in the existence of "god". Science is stiLL the LogicaL expLanation of the beginning and everything
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The Head vs The Heart
I remember, more often than ever, I hated ruLes. It Led me to disLiking the so-caLLed fooLproof system of Singapore where education tops the priority List. Why must human beings be controLLed when Life is supposed to be free? Is it more important to forsake the quaLity of Life to attain success?
I was younger then .. thought a Lot and was a rebeL. Now oLder, I think Less, I do more. Kao! I guess I have so far stopped using the heart but the head more. Good or bad? Dunnoe La .. it is pLain boring to be in this freaking system .. but much enjoyabLe out there engaging in warm receptions from the Taiwanese peopLe.
ALright watch it, Monday bLues ahead.
I remember, more often than ever, I hated ruLes. It Led me to disLiking the so-caLLed fooLproof system of Singapore where education tops the priority List. Why must human beings be controLLed when Life is supposed to be free? Is it more important to forsake the quaLity of Life to attain success?
I was younger then .. thought a Lot and was a rebeL. Now oLder, I think Less, I do more. Kao! I guess I have so far stopped using the heart but the head more. Good or bad? Dunnoe La .. it is pLain boring to be in this freaking system .. but much enjoyabLe out there engaging in warm receptions from the Taiwanese peopLe.
ALright watch it, Monday bLues ahead.
Friday, February 09, 2007
The officers are gone, time to enjoy a LittLe breather.
As for driving, my coach Loves pranks. For one, there was a new girL in the driving park. Like I was the first day, he taught her from the very first step. As I drove past their car, he winked at me for Buddha knows why.
When I was done with my practice, he came over and asked me to take his car to guide the girL as he had to attend to something. Right .. so trying to be a matchmaker La. So I did. She was so much better than I was on the "first day" .. cant bLame some peopLe for being sLower Learners but gifted right?
Ok thats aLL for a good Friday Like this. A weekend trip up to the Kaohsiung wiLL definiteLy reLieve aLL the stressed points of my aLready shacked-out body. SadLy, I ain abLe to post pictures due to technicaL probLems. May coLours appear someday .. soon.
Btw .. VaLentine's on the way. Cant decide on what to get for Her/Him? Do visit this site Nessa's Heaven uniqueLy brought to you by Vanessa Lum!
Enjoy the weekend, itz about time to reLease firecrackers.
The officers are gone, time to enjoy a LittLe breather.
As for driving, my coach Loves pranks. For one, there was a new girL in the driving park. Like I was the first day, he taught her from the very first step. As I drove past their car, he winked at me for Buddha knows why.
When I was done with my practice, he came over and asked me to take his car to guide the girL as he had to attend to something. Right .. so trying to be a matchmaker La. So I did. She was so much better than I was on the "first day" .. cant bLame some peopLe for being sLower Learners but gifted right?
Ok thats aLL for a good Friday Like this. A weekend trip up to the Kaohsiung wiLL definiteLy reLieve aLL the stressed points of my aLready shacked-out body. SadLy, I ain abLe to post pictures due to technicaL probLems. May coLours appear someday .. soon.
Btw .. VaLentine's on the way. Cant decide on what to get for Her/Him? Do visit this site Nessa's Heaven uniqueLy brought to you by Vanessa Lum!
Enjoy the weekend, itz about time to reLease firecrackers.
Friday, February 02, 2007
On The Road
There were seven of us in the mini van we rented for the trip up to Kaohsiung .. with two of whom had just passed their driving test and adding the License to their Life accompLishments.
As Desmond drives,
Me : ehh, I beLieve I can drive better than you Lor ..
Des: wait tiL u get ur License La .. dun taLk so much ..
Me : NB! Juz a matter of time onLy ...
Heng : you know cLutch use which foot or not?
Me : .. wat cLutch?
.. and suddenLy Laughter fiLLed up the empty space of the van.
Es : aiyah .. u use ur Left foot on the break .. right foot on the acceLerator and for the cLutch pLease use your hand.
That was two weeks back ..
Today I went on the road for the first time. Dun caLL me a noob no more ..
There were seven of us in the mini van we rented for the trip up to Kaohsiung .. with two of whom had just passed their driving test and adding the License to their Life accompLishments.
As Desmond drives,
Me : ehh, I beLieve I can drive better than you Lor ..
Des: wait tiL u get ur License La .. dun taLk so much ..
Me : NB! Juz a matter of time onLy ...
Heng : you know cLutch use which foot or not?
Me : .. wat cLutch?
.. and suddenLy Laughter fiLLed up the empty space of the van.
Es : aiyah .. u use ur Left foot on the break .. right foot on the acceLerator and for the cLutch pLease use your hand.
That was two weeks back ..
Today I went on the road for the first time. Dun caLL me a noob no more ..
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