Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Friday evening. My good friend Yongren wouLd be ceLebrating his 25th birthday that evening at some pLace chiLLing out with some of the Lads.

Being the typicaL me, I do not have much enthusiasm to go, but ended up a Last minute addition to the cLique that night. Had to give some face to him, a great guy Lah.

Somehow one night out foLLowed by another the next day, right after a Saturday spent in the office, totaLLy ListLess. And then we drank and danced our hearts out that evening.

I cannot beLieve I am reaLLy there, and to think peeps Like Guofeng, Gan, Guowei and Robert were unusuaL absentees in the party. No standard (as they aLways Like to put it).

No doubt, it feLt good to Let Loose once a whiLe with paLs and meeting good new peeps, in this case, HazeL, of whom sure was pretty sporting, joining the group of us guys where she onLy knew a coupLe or so.

"I gotta feeLing .. that tonight's gonna be a good night ..."

It had to be, a weekend of sLeepLess nights spent in the company of music and groove.

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