Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Like many, my Love for writing is diminishing with time. The cuLprit must have most probabLy been work. Either that, or Life has not been any interesting.

Over the Last week incLuding this has been pretty disastrous. Nothing much to be happy about but the compLete opposite. Saturday, pLayed a game, Lost. Sunday pLayed another, Lost. And that evening, LiverpooL Lost. On top of that, a LittLe cyber soccer League game me and the guys are pLaying, I Lost again.

These two weeks, I was simpLy a Loser.

In Losing though, there are stiLL positives that can be taken out. My coLLeague, Richard T. shared with me a story with regards to the corporate worLd.

He said, think of yourseLf as a farmer. How weLL your crops grow doesnt compLeteLy depend on how much effort you put in. But you gotta consider a Lot of factors. A farmer at the desert, no matter how hard he worked, he cannot reap anything. A farmer at the mountains, he couLd just throw in the seeds, do nothing, yet reap resuLts.

Same profession, different outcome.

WeLL, are you a farmer at the desert, or one at the mountains?

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