Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Chain Effect

Every decision that one makes, wiLL affect another's Life in one way or another.

In my Life, I have made severaL choices that have mouLded some to where they are now, and aLso caused some to be what they are. On the other hand, there are peopLe who made a big difference to my Life as weLL, be it good or bad.

I wouLd not say that for the bad that happened, bLame shouLd be Laid on those who effected them, but somehow Life is a Learning process and I can onLy thank them for heLping me deveLop into a man as I am today.

ALL in aLL, as I Look back and see the present, even though I am nobody, I stiLL wake up every day being thankfuL for aLL that I have - peopLe that cares and that I care about.

That, to me, is more than enough to make me contented and happy.

.. weLL, of course, I am just a simpLe man.

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