Wednesday, December 27, 2006
It wiLL be one of the rare posts of 2007, but first and foremost, a message to aLL that I am weLL in Taiwan.
With a strength of 77 (equivaLent to two cLasses in skooL)in the Hengchun camp, it is Like a famiLy affair. WeLL, Ive found myseLf a home!
Every singLe moment is magicaL and dreamy juz Like in a game. You meet new peopLe .. you retrieve new stuff, you Learn new things, you see new things .. and you "LeveL-up"!
Juz hours earLier, an extraordinary event happened in the town of my camp - an earthquake of 6.7 magnitude on occurred. IronicaLLy, my department were in the heart of Hengchun town where the epicentre was. The group of us, together with some of the reguLar's wives and chiLdren (known as "妇帮") were enjoying a LittLe ceLebration for those returning home this month by having steamboat in a cosy restaurant on this day. Everything was cooL, right untiL 8-ish p.m .. the tabLe shook .. for once I thought someone was pLaying a prank. In a matter of spLit seconds, I saw the fLoor shaking as weLL. Now it ain no prank now.
The tremor increased in density, knocking off pLates and gLasses. I was utterLy stunned .. so are some LocaLs. ALL of us ran out of the two-storey buiLding to the middLe of the road because that is the safest away from danger.
Now, you reaLised the reason why most buiLdings in Taiwan are Low.
I couLd see fear in everyone's faces .. peopLe were screaming .. running .. crying .. motorbikes were toppLed .. Lamp posts shaking .. the neon signboards Looked fragiLe .. aLL for the next minute. Then it stopped.
We stayed in the middLe of the road .. then the second wave came .. now we were "safe" but from the risks of dropping posts and neon signboards. This time, the tremor din Last Long.
The camp officers made quick decision to return back to camp. On the road, it was another eye-opener of humanity. Some houses were cut of eLectricity and Lighting .. peopLe were either standing outside their homes, or sitting right at their doors. I saw a mother cuddLing her chiLd in her arms as if to comfort it ..
We were then back in Hengchun camp. For the next two hours, we were cut out of the media. At 9ish news had spread to Singapore. Mum caLLed. I reported my safety. But our job did not finish here. As embassadors to the two countries, we were activated to set up tentage outside a nearby Christian hospitaL. There, I saw another miracuLous event .. a baby was given birth to in a make-shift surgery room made out of an ambuLance!
For the Hengchun LocaLs, quake of such intensity was the first. It Left over 30 injured and a few dead, aLL in the town itseLf. This event aLso coincides with the 2nd anniversary of the Tsunami disaster! Geez .. but it was an amazing experience!
ALright just to Let you guys know I am stiLL aLive and kicking ..
LastLy a heartfeLt thanks for aLL the messages and concern during my depature on the 22th.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
What's beautifuL, has to end. So is the ugLy.
So reLieved having been encLosed in a no man's area for two fuLL days. OnLy you, and the guards. We watched teLevision, movies, took naps. Night wasnt good, you fight against the coLd, the mosquitoes and LoneLiness. The guards have their own bunk, I have mine a buiLding away. Thank god the handphone was invented, it was my onLy companion before sLeep.
Thats how the confinement went.
Hours before that on Friday, there was yet another wonderfuL gathering. Preparations was by far no easy feat having LittLe aid from the many busy friends and my Leave on that particuLar day that was revoked. Everything was so Last minute aLL because of my innocent foLLy in army.
At the most difficuLt moment, you know, onLy ur famiLy couLd heLp you .. My Mom got the utensiLs ready, my Dad wouLd be driving everything, my uncLe wouLd cook some food .. LuckiLy there was Yongren and Zhanrong to handLe the check-in ..
However since everyone din come as earLy as expected (except for Tsz Lun), things went smooth. Then as time ticked, more peeps arrived. After food came the highLight ; the tradition of christmas gift exchange .. I guess that event made up for the cockups.
This was a day of surprise for many, as some thought was MY birthday .. some said was MY gathering .. and some beLieved it was the event prior to my departure to Taiwan. For the Last time .. this ain MY chaLet. It beLonged to each and everyone even though my famiLy members came down. ApoLogies to the many that I did not inform about the attendance ..
In anyway, organising for the first time was an experience. I wouLd Love to gather more feedback for another one in two years' time.
I appreciate the turnout .. and am gratefuL to those who heLped out to make this gathering a " success".. most importantLy I am touched for the LiverpooL jersey that the Guys bought. Itz by far the best Christmas present I had for years and years to come.
Stay tuned for the photo gaLore ..
With regards to Christmas, having watched the movie "Santa CLause II" during my confinement in camp .. there was a scene whereby the schooL of teachers had an Xmas gathering which seemed Like a mourning affair. It reminded me of us - typicaL Singaporeans.
As age brings us aLong with time, the power of fantasy subsides. Just Like the existence of Santa and the spirit of Xmas. Yes, we know, we aLL know that Santa is a myth. But it is no excuse to forsake the spirit of Xmas. Singaporeans must Learn to improve the quaLity of Life, through the pure reaLisation that Life is that beautifuL!
When I'm back, I promise, a bigger gathering for MayfLower .. and I wiLL make up for the sucky parts of it.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
How wouLd you feeL if, for one moment, you were enjoying everything in this worLd and suddenLy you had to suffer next right away?
Itz terribLy horribLe .. to the max.
The Adidas-PP heLd an annuaL gathering at Downtown East from Tuesday. Juz the peopLe who turned out aLone have aLready done enough to Lift me to the highest spirits. The cLimax came on Wednesday evening, though, as the hardcore gamers take centre stage. Booze, mahjong, card games, wiLd music and endLess random photo-shooting are what went throughout the night!
Trust me, I have never handLed drunk peeps before .. and this night I Learnt. Itz amazing what aLcohoL can do to peopLe. Everyone wiLL think they are not drunk and then show very nice signs Like screaming .. dancing .. doing Lotsa very funny things, Like they do when they were young. Im reaLLy impressed. ALcohoL .. you rock.
And so as more peopLe got knocked out, I had to pLay the roLe of nanny. Put "chiLdren" to bed and hush them asLeep. Itz kinda fun .. though I was reaLLy drained at the end of a 48-hour event as HeLen's daughter, Debbie, hugged unto me and I cant move!
When I finaLLy got to Lie on bed at 9a.m Thursday, a caLL from camp came. They wiLL be charging me for AWOL in an hour. So without bidding the drunkards goodbye, I had to fucking grab my things and haiL a cab home, change and go back to camp.
A very vaLuabLe Lesson Learnt .. never assume for it kicks the Ass out of U and Me.
.. and so .. for the wonderfuL moments I created with the Adidas peeps, I paid having to burn my Leave from Friday to Sunday.
Now, do you know how it feeLs Like?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The marathon sure has taken a toLL on my usuaL physique .. so much so I had to struggLe to even waLk the first two days. WeLL now recovering, sure wouLd be Happy Feet for me!
From next Monday on, I wouLd be enjoying my Long awaited embarkation Leave, juz a mere dozen more days before I finaLLy say goodbye to aLL for one good year. No tears I promise ..
ALL set to go, everything that gotta be done, has been done .. and everything that has to be Left behind and forgotten, trust me, Im trying. HeLp me, by taLking not anything anymore about what has gone. Aye, if you guys think it dun prick to bring it up, Let me teLL u .. it does.
So .. Letz juz taLk about anything under the moon but yesterday. As they say "yesterday .. aLL my troubLes seem so far away .." Hmm .......
Tomorrow wiLL aLways be better, ain it?
It is ..
Sunday, December 03, 2006

More than just it ..
In the wee hours of the morning when everyone were enjoying sweet dreams, I woke up from sLeep, bathed, had a hot cereaL drink and set off. Out in the neighbourhood, a coupLe of Lights were on at some bLocks and for once you know .. this is the day, where runners gather. This is the day, where marathoners wiLL be born.
My best friend and I, we were one. We started together weLL. We ran as one .. but unfortunateLy He for once, became weak. At times when I persevered, He toLd me sorts ; it is Long way .. you cannot do it .. your knee is sore .. your cramps are coming up .. you need a break .. sLow down ..
On the other hand, I saw a caucasian coupLe standing by the barricades, cLapping the runners on. They cLapped as one .. at Marina South .. at East Coast .. throughout, they were there for you. And I bet they are great peopLe .. with them, I fought against Him. I waLked, took breaks, but I did not give up .. coming 5km to the end, I starved Him from a banana and water and toLd Him to have them onLy at the end of it.
So, hoLding a cup of 100-PLus on one hand and a banana on the other, and amidst the enthusiastic cheers from the crowd, I crossed the Finish Line with my best friend, Me.
There is Spiderman and Catwoman too! They were Ladies in their fifties. The inspiration characters of the day wiLL go to the woman who ran dragging a tyre tied to her waist .. and the oLd uncLe in his seventies of whom I ran the Last 200m aLongside with ..
The tyre-dragging woman had one message open to aLL .. itz something to do with recycLing. WhiLe the oLd man do not have any, he made sure I read an unsent signaL to aLL the younger runners who finished behind him. I said "weLL done, sir!" He panted, smiLed and forced a soft "thank you .." At the Finish Line, i saLuted him, and shook his hand. No, the honour wasnt his, it was mine. Some others acknowLedged his accompLishment through the same gesture.
So you see it ain juz a marathon .. this is the run for humanity.