Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day 11, 12

Shopping spree with the three dudes of whom I wouLd cLassify under "primary schooL friends". For pretty much of the afternoon and evening we hunted for great buys from Wisma to Cathay, ransacking every singLe corner we can find in each of the shopping maLL. Ended up, onLy to buy the best buy of the year @ GAP. Seventy-percent off retaiL price is more than juz a bargain. It gotta be considered a booty!

At ten, the magicaL shopping moments ended. I headed to Boat Quay and met up with the same booze gang in Renee, MicheLLe and Gwen. This night, they got me. This night, you wouLd have seen two MerLions by the Singapore River ..

.. one of which, was me. ThankfuLLy I din do any siLLy stuff other than caLLing out at babes at the pub and yeLLing at pedestrians whiLe on I-forgot-his-name 's car ..

It was absoLuteLy terribLe .. and to think I even wanna spend the next morning with my number one Love. ALright to those who I aLways preach to abstain from aLcohoL, I think, you can do a pot caLLing the kettLe bLack now.

Hours Later however this morning, I forced myseLf up for my Love. The spinning was wearing off but the aLcohoL's stiLL stirring right inside of me. Freaking sucky ..

Then it was footbaLL, Lunch, footbaLL, dinner and back to this rectanguLar screen right in front of me.

So what's a hangover? FootbaLL simpLy overwheLms it!

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