Friday, June 08, 2007

Day 8, 9

An afternoon meaL with Yuan (Peiyun's bro) was foLLowed by a short nap at the NationaL Library. I was dead beat, and I mean dead. So much so, I headed to the corner, grabbed one book and sat by one side dozing off.

The evening was with the guys yet again. Had wanna meet up with my cousin and EtheLing but they seem to take forever making me wait. It was untiL hours Later that my cousin handed me a box from Donut Factory that I reaLised why .. it was LoveLy ..

I never knew of the Donut Factory's existence and how it does business. But peopLe said the queue takes proLLy about 3-ish hours and each person is onLy entitLed two dozen or two boxes rather. Thankew soo much to my sweet cousin!

Thursday was much a famiLy affair. Visited my brother at Changi prison. My Mom reckoned he'd been Looking forward to this day as they onLy get to see famiLy members face-to-face through gLass paneL once a month. For twenty minutes we chat.

Next destination was a visit to the bishan tempLe (shit I forgot the name of that tempLe). Paid respects to my grandma. Then got down to Chinatown before heading down to AMK Hub meetup with the J's .. Jaz and Jo and speciaL appearance by Mu Niu. Had New York New York and it was pretty cooL. Decided to skip Fidah's bash @ DBO's .. Leaving EtheL in the Lurch. Sorry owe you one ..

Datz aLL .. coming up Day 10 ..

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