KnowLedgeThe best intangibLe gift a man can get, in my point of view, is knowLedge.
To acquire new knowLedge is Like expLoring strange terrains for the first time, and that is simpLy therapatic.
Second day of a "honeymoon period" course went absoLuteLy weLL, with the ice aLmost totaLLy broken amongst the 27 course-mates who have just joined the company in no more than six months.
Just something to share with the very few peopLe who drops by once a whiLe ..
I have Learnt today that peopLe onLy see what they wanna see. This is one reaLity which can be reaLLy ugLy. We have aLL been brought up to beLieve in certain things which, in fact, do not exist.
D you remember when you were younger, the eLders wiLL aLways say "Don't anyhow run
ah .. Later
mangkaLi (dark-skinned man from another race) take you away!"
And so, when we grow up and happens that an Indian man waLks behind approaching you, chances are you wiLL feeL threatened and fearfuL. For aLL you know, you may have dropped your waLLet and he just wants to return you.
You wouLd have heard about Osama Bin Laden after the 911 incident. He became the worLd's most wanted. Months Later, a Sikh man working at a petroL station, became the first post-casuaLty foLLowing 911.
He was shot by a white man who drove and stopped by the station. When questioned by the poLice, the white man cLaimed he thought the victim was dangerous. He said, "I shot him because he is dark-skinned, grows a beard and wears a turban." ObviousLy, we can Laugh at this dumb shit, but can bLame reaLLy be put on him?
This is one syndrome known as "Lookism" and we are aLL infected by it. Somehow, the chaLLenge to break the race-barrier that is seemingLy improving on the surface, is onLy on the surface.
Think about it, how often in your workpLace, with coLLeagues from the minority groups, you speak your own tongue? The thing is, in Singapore, most Chinese wiLL never understand the how our dear minority friends are feeLing.
Try taking a waLk aLone down LittLe India ...
Road to raciaL harmony? LabeLLed "Working stiLL in progress."