Friday, August 06, 2004
The BIG Wonder
Before anything, Im gonna mark my 50th post here .. and Looking back tru time .. guesz itz not dat bad for 3 months of posting. For a fLackback, I remembered one post I titLed The Night back in ApriL. WeLL I din expect myseLf to reLi get into wat I said and traveL aLong da ups and downs tru out da few months tiL now. It sure is a good heLL of a roLLercoaster ride .. had excitment .. had fear .. had confusion .. had suspense. Coming to the decLine of da ride, I can but juz Look forward to da next feature in vast Theme Park of Life. Anyway, Looking back at this "ride" of mine, I tink itz been a good Learning experience for me dat as May had once said, expect more and great disappointment Looms, expect Less and Less disappointment wiLL be reaped. WeLL, I tried to be an optimist by expecting da perfect scenarios I cud have, which resuLted in me Losing myseLf in the end. But how wud u ever attain success if u dun aim for da highest expectations, though risky?
I'd Like to justify and point out something such as in Luv, if uer afraid of putting too much into someone eLse, then u can never get da same amount u wan from dat someone as weLL. Twice I had done, giving aLL my heart to 2 LoveLy gaLs but I guesz it was juz not enuff .. mayB it wasnt time. Or mayB they were juz not da ones. BLame not on anyone, itz juz fate. WhiLe aLL we can do, is but Let fate bring us to wat we yearn and seek for ..
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