Monday, August 02, 2004

Rock CLimbing = Life Process?

Haven tried rock cLimbing in ages, untiL Saturday as part of da camp program. Was watching da freshies trying out da thing and stuff, sure Looked easy from a 2nd party's view. Therefore I decided to give it a go. Man, da 1st step was one of da difficuLt moves, gotta baLance and puLL urseLf up. I struggLed quite a whiLe there eh .. and when I finaLLy got it going, I was in troubLe thinking of wat da next move is. And then I got going .. tiL I was stuck again at da 4th bLock (there were 10 bLocks to da top). FinaLLy Lost my grip at da 5th bLock and I was swinging back and forth. Managed to get myseLf back to da waLL again and I resumed my cLimb. Then I heard a voice, " red one on ur Left ..!!" Im pretty sure I din see da red one earLier on .. it muz have juz been fixed in. Stretched for it .. and my baLance was cooL now. Then again, a voice came, " da bLue one .. ur right side .." Ok, I muz have got shortsightedness, and nothing more (damn my ego LoL). However I sLipped and got swinging again. Kept trying to get back to da waLL but to no avaiL as my hands were aLready weak. But da voices din stop, there was somebody down there asking me to get back there. However I have aLready Lost aLL my strength and eventuaLLy had to come down.
A simpLe game of rock cLimbing, had made me seen tru Lots. Rock cLimbing is juz Like ur Life's journey. As u embarked on it, no doubt da path is difficuLt and sometimes u do get Lost. StiLL there are peopLe out there who wiLL keep their faith and support in u .. when u faLL, they wiLL wan u to get up. When u wanna give up, they wun wan u to. Sometimes as Long as u've done ur utmost best, itz enuff aLready no matter wat da resuLts are. As WiLLiam Hung once said he had given his best and had no regrets at aLL, sure is naive yet with such genuinity dat comes right from da heart.
I'd been da piLLar for other peopLe in da past, and of coz I cant heLp but be gratefuL for whoever is down there urging for me. WeLL Looking back in time, I cud see a few peopLe who have reLi inspired and changed my Life forever and I'LL share them when I got da time. Can u recaLL da piLLars of ur Life? Hope u do .. juz Like I do.

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