Saturday, August 28, 2004


Change is aLways tiring. It takes away stuff u have possession of and gives u new ones dat u may have to Learn and adapt. But da positives out of it are aLways so abundant, and it may juz be a matter of time before ur stoLen oLd stuff gets out of ur mind, with da new ones setting in. Though, not aLways da case.

A brand new department, a brand new team. To start from scratch and buiLd up rapport with new peopLe. Do miss da good oLd peopLe I have been Leading my Life wif for da past 2 months who brought me much meaning and Laughter and something to Look forward to every singLe day. Yet u and i noe, dat nothing Lasts an eternity. WeLL itz a cycLe comes and goes. Shopping Arcade's shops have aLL changed staff. Sity ain there in the VaLue Shop anymore. So is MicheLLe and Peixuan. Shiao Hui is now not at Lifestyle Shop anymore, now dat I have been transferred over to Inventory Management inside da same good oLd store I used to visit. Everyday I enter this room, used to but disturb her. Everyday I enter this room, presentLy is but memories of da past. How I wish I was here when she was here too. It'd be great fun I bet. Now with new peopLe, it is but moments .. am I tired or wat .. give me a break, man.